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CRASH LAND ON KURAI Now Available Everywhere!

My period of exclusivity is up on Amazon and CRASH LAND ON KURAI, the first book of the Hikooshi Series, is now available on iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and Google Play. I've been uploading and linking and updating all weekend to bring you this news. I hope my non-Amazon readers are happy to get ahold of this book now!

Did you know that this series is a spin-off of my Nogiku Series? You don't need to read one to read the other, but they do take place in the same universe with a few shared characters. If you read my Nogiku Series, you should definitely give this series a chance too.

Prices on books in this series will increase to $4.99 at the end of the week, so if you want to save a dollar, now's the time to do it.


FYI: The second book of the series, CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD, will be available on all vendors next month, and from here on out, all books in this series will be available right away on all vendors. Launching this series into Kindle Unlimited was an interesting experiment that didn't work out.

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2 thoughts on “CRASH LAND ON KURAI Now Available Everywhere!”

  1. Too bad launching the series in Kindle Unlimited didn’t work out. I know some authors have huge success with KU. I hope putting the series wide works out better :).

    1. It was worth a shot. I just don’t think that I’m popular enough nor do I write stuff that’s mainstream enough for KU. I know authors whose earnings are 80% KU, so I knew it had potential but it just didn’t work out. I’m happy to be going wide. There’s so much more I can do with my book out of exclusivity.

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S. J. Pajonas