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Sunday Update – December 24, 2017

First of all, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! It's Christmas Eve here and we're taking it easy at home. Today, there'll be Christmas cookie decorating, dinner together, maybe a Christmas movie, and lots of video game playing and reading on the couch. Definitely nothing to complain about.

I had a hard week, and I'm glad it's over. Those of you readers who have been with me a long time remember that I used to suffer from chronic sinus infections all winter long. One after another after another. There was one winter where I had, no joke, four sinus infections in a row. UGH. And I did everything I could to prevent them. Neti pots. Essential oils. Finally, year-round antihistamines seemed to do the trick, and I had a reprieve from them for over two years. That streak was broken this past week. But I'm on antibiotics now and feeling so much better. I'm still coughing and dealing with some lingering sinus issues but I no longer feel like death. Hooray!!

With all the couch time I've had, I've been doing a fair number of things, most of all reading and listening to THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE RETURNS A FAVOR. I finished my first, for-fun, non-beta-read fiction ebook since the summer! And the proofreading is coming along well. And thank goodness for online grocery ordering and delivery! I wasn't well enough to go to the store, so at least I could order online.

Looking back on Facebook and Amazon Photo memories from years past, I'm feeling all nostalgic for when my kids were young and when my parents lived within an hour's drive. We had good holidays back then, for sure. Now my family all live far away, and we mainly spend the holiday with my husband's family, whom I love dearly. I do miss my parents and brother around this time of year though. I'm sending them big hugs from afar, and hopefully, we'll Skype later today.

What else happened this week?

Extended sickness meant that I spent a lot of time in bed reading and eating tons of cough drops. I went through almost an entire box of Kleenex as well.

A blurry photo but we did make it out to see the new Star Wars movie. I'm in the camp of not entirely liking it and seeing most of the flaws. Still, it was an enjoyable movie.

My husband and the kids built a gingerbread house together while I convalesced on the couch.

See a pattern here? Lol. I got my monthly Bokksu shipment and enjoyed a few snacks on the couch while I read.

As you can tell, there wasn't much worth taking photos of this week! I hope to remedy that next week as well as get out walking again.

Coming up this week on the blog: Last Book Chat of the year, Reflections on 2017, and the end of this year's Audiobook Challenge.

PS) I'm also testing the Scheduled posting on this blog because it messed up last week. If all goes well, this blog post will go live and everyone will get their emails. If not, there might be a little weirdness on the blog while I fix a few things. Thanks!

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S. J. Pajonas