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I’ve Been Sick…

I've been sick now for two weeks. Ugh. I am single-handedly keeping Kleenex in business. Though I'm still getting work done, being creative has been hard. Coughing and blowing your nose constantly does not make for engaging writing. I still have to proofread THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE RETURNS A FAVOR and get that off to my secondary proofreaders and ARC Team, but that shouldn't be too hard.

So I need a little rest time over the holidays, as you can imagine. Posting will be light here on the blog until the New Year. I wish everyone a happy holiday, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and all the other holidays celebrated at this time of year!! I hope you enjoy the time with family or friends or you just get a little alone time with a good book.

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5 thoughts on “I’ve Been Sick…”

  1. So sorry that you are still smitten, SJ. If you are making like a snot zombie (I was in this situation earlier in the year) can I suggest you go online and look at site for alleviating congestion using accupressure – I found this to be little short of miraculous in easing my symptoms. Hopefully you are well enough to have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy 2018:).

  2. Oh dear – at least you are starting to feel better! I very much hope to fighting fitness before the big day. Take care, SJ:)

  3. Happy holidays! And I hope you feel better soon. It’s so annoying being sick. Good luck finishing up the next daydreamer book. I am looking forward to reading it!

    1. I’m much better now, thanks! I got antibiotics and everything seems to be clearing up. I’m almost done with my listen of Daydreamer 4, so I hope to have it out to you guys around the end of the week. :)

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S. J. Pajonas