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Sunday Update – December 10, 2017

Another week done and closer to the end of December and 2017! This was quite a week. We had three half-days of school in a row, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so my week was a little messed up.

Monday, we had a usual day with school in the morning and gymnastics in the afternoon. I started working on the Daydreamer 4 edits, and I went for my walk in the morning too.

Tuesday was our first half-day of the week, and I finished up my edits early so that I could take the evening off. I finished off my full Battlestar Galactica watch that evening, and I was so pleased that I got the chance to watch it all again. It took me a few months, but it was a lot of fun and worth the time. I also had a parent-teacher conference this day that went well.

Wednesday was my busiest day. There was the half-day and I had the cleaning ladies here in the morning. Then I had an extra kid in the house for the afternoon. I had to go to the parent-teacher conference for the other kid this day too. One of my kids had a Girl Scouts meeting while I took the other one to tennis, and then afterward, we were finally free. It was a long tiring day.

Thursday was our last half-day. I hit a big milestone this day, too! I finished my 100 Miles in 2017 goal! I crossed the finish line on it during my morning walk. It felt great to know that I accomplished something concrete this year that I had to work on all year long. The kids were bored in the afternoon so we watched some Supergirl together and then I told them to entertain themselves. Lol. That only sometimes works.

Friday, we had a full day! I went for a walk first thing then met up with Amy at Panera for some writing time. Then I did some grocery shopping before getting the kids from school. I made Japanese curry for dinner and actually saw my husband! Lol. He was gone or doing work-related events all week long.

This weekend I haven't been feeling very well, so I've been taking it easy. My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton and I'm constantly trying to pop my ears. I did manage to make Salmon Hot Pot yesterday, though, and I plan to post the recipe on the blog this week. Otherwise, I've been sitting, reading, and editing. That's about it.

Today, my family got the Christmas tree and it's up in the living room! I'll enjoy it in the weeks to come.

What else happened this week?

Monday morning was foggy and my walk in the park was very moody. Lol.

I started my edits on Daydreamer 4. I should be done before Christmas.

I finished my watch of Battlestar Galactica. Starbuck was always my favorite character.

Scenes from the park. Me hanging with my heron buddy. He's very broody. And the cattails in the lake are puffing up!

I completed my goal of walking 1000 miles in 2017!!

We got our first snow yesterday. I'm glad it's already melting some.

Salmon Hot Pot from Saturday night turned into Salmon Hot Pot: The Second Coming for Sunday lunch. We added soba noodles for the leftovers.

And the kids helped trim the Christmas tree today! They did a great job.

On the blog this week: Salmon Hot Pot recipe and a writing/editing update. A light week this time!

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3 thoughts on “Sunday Update – December 10, 2017”

  1. I love your beautiful pics, SJ. It’s been a busy old week for you and I hope you are feeling a lot better since the weekend, so many folks are smitten right now… Take care and here’s hoping this week has been a bit quieter and you have recovered.

    1. Unfortunately, I’ve spent most of the week recovering from this cold and I still need another day or two to stop coughing. I only wish I wouldn’t cough all night. Why does it always get worse at night?! Ugh. Anyway, thanks about the pics. I love taking them and sharing them every day.

      1. So sorry to hear you’re still smitten and you’re right – coughing through the night seems to be a thing, doesn’t it? Hope you feel better very soon!

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S. J. Pajonas