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Teaser Tuesday – An Explosive Finale

It's the last Teaser Tuesday for CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD! I remember when I was brainstorming this book, I had a very specific scene in mind for the end. I wanted to explode a building, a leap to a flying car, and my heroine showing she was brave even if this was SO NOT HER JOB. I was so excited about it, it was all I could think about for a long time.

I held off writing this scene until the end. I know plenty of authors who will go through their novel and write all the good parts first that they're excited about it. Not me. No. I use those scenes as the carrot to keep me going. If I wrote them first, then there wouldn't be much that would get me into the chair to write the rest of the book, and then everyone, including me, would miss out. Because I would never finish it.

Anyway, I remember the day I sat down to write this scene. My fingers flew and I pictured it all happening as it went along. But the best part was that I heard it all in Yumi's voice, and when she said the quote in this teaser, I knew she was right. Time always works against us. It either moves too slow when you need it to move fast, or the opposite. Suddenly, you're 40 years old and you have no idea how you got there. Time is a fickle bitch, for sure.

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This novel is available on and in Kindle Unlimited.

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2 thoughts on “Teaser Tuesday – An Explosive Finale”

  1. I liked that scene towards the end. It sure was an explosive final and I liked seeing how Yumi handled it while it also was obvious she was way out of her league. I kinda like that she isn’t a fighter like Sanaa, but she still has her own strengths. It really was great to have such a dangerous scene toward the end of the book.

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S. J. Pajonas