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December 2017 Goals

Oh November. I'm so glad you're done. So glad.

What Happened With November's Goals?

NaNoWriMo. Done and WON! I'm so happy with this goal. I really worked hard all month to get to 50k on this project and I had fun doing it too. I'll do a wrap-up post on this tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Publish and celebrate CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD. This happened on November 15th. I was going to treat myself on this day but instead I had an electrician in the house and the whole week kinda sucked. But that's okay. It's over. The book is out there and I'm happy to be moving on and working.

Transition over to my new newsletter program.This is done too! Everyone was moved over for the first email on the 24th. I like it already. It's brought a ton of traffic to this here blog and I think it works better than MailChimp ever did.

Update all the paperbacks for the Miso Cozy Mysteries Series. Done. All the paperbacks are updated for this series. I also updated the paperbacks for Hikoboshi.

Walking, reading, knitting, and more audiobooks.I am happy to report that all of this happened! :) I dictated a lot and knit at the same time during NaNoWriMo, which worked really well. I was a little light on the walking this month due to a cold and other obligations, but I still got plenty of miles in and I'm now about 25 miles from my 1000 mile goal!

Let's look at the Runkeeper stats for the year.

I'm now at 975.2 miles for the year so far! I'm less than 25 miles away from my goal! I can hardly believe it. When I set this goal in January, I honestly wasn't sure I'd be able to do it. I'm feeling very proud of myself, for sure. It's been 304 days of this year so far. Multiply that by 2.74 (the minimum I need per day to hit my goal) and the total is approximately 916 miles. I'm way past that. Yay!

As for the month, it was one of my weaker months of walking, though not as bad as April. I took a few days off just for rest. Then I took a few days off because of sickness and family obligations. It's just the way of things. I'm glad I did more during months when I was able so I could have lighter months like this.

A Look Back at November


Business Goals For December

Edit THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE RETURNS A FAVOR. I have my edits ready and it's time to get this baby done for its January debut. I want to finish before Christmas.

Continue bits of writing on FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT. I don't want to lose steam on this. So if I could add 10k to this project and square it away to finish it in January, that would be awesome.

Get the pre-order up for the KAMI NO SEKAI OMNIBUS. I plan to have this up and going for a February publication.

Come up with an idea for Daydreamer 5. While I'm editing Book 4, I'd like to come up with some ideas for Book 5. This way, I can brainstorm on it the next few months before I start writing it in the spring next year.

Write a BONUS SCENE for CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD. This is a maybe, but I've had this scene in my head that I'd like to write that would be a bonus/missing scene from CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD. I would write it and put it up on the blog. Stay tuned!

Personal Goals For December

Hit my 1000 miles goal for 2018! I'm close and there WILL be a celebration when I hit it!!

Walking, reading, knitting, and more audiobooks.The usual! I'd like to keep up the audiobook listening as this is the best way for me to get “reading” done. Lol.

Enjoy your December everyone!

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4 thoughts on “December 2017 Goals”

  1. Sounds like you did great with all your November goals. I loved Chaos in Kadoma Ward and am already looking forward to the next book. So I am glad to hear you made such good progress on it during NaNoWriMo and won that :). Good luck with your December goals! And now I am curious about that idea for a bonus scene.

    1. I’m really glad I got a lot done in November. I feel so much better about ending this year on a productive note. I hope I have time to write that bonus scene! It would be a fun exercise. :)

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S. J. Pajonas