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Sunday Update – November 26, 2017

Where has this month gone? I can hardly believe it's almost December already! This week was a bit of a blur because I was sick for most of it, so let me do my best to sum up.

First of all, after checking my FB memories, this is the first time I've been sick in three years. THREE YEARS, PEOPLE. Three years ago, I went off Claritin like I usually did in the fall and got a nasty sinus infection, like I usually did. Finally, I had HAD it. I was sick of getting sinus infections every time I went off the Claritin! So as soon as I beat the sinus infection with antibiotics, I went back on Claritin full time, and I've been sickness free ever since.

Until this past week. But I've gotta say that this cold is a breeze compared to chronic sinus infections. I keep thinking, “Is this what a normal cold is like?” Usually I'm super miserable, my face hurts, and I'm so congested it's nothing but gallons of snot. This? This is nothing. It's a little congestion that is fine with Advil Cold & Sinus. Some runny nose, and some lethargy. Huh. I never knew colds could be so mild.

Even though this cold is not so bad, it's still been hard to find the energy to get stuff done. I felt good on Thanksgiving thanks to extra sleep, so I was able to celebrate with my family. We drove out to Long Island to see them and the traffic was surprisingly light for a holiday. A true miracle!

The rest of our time was spread out between school stuff and just relaxing at home. Friday, I got my hair cut, and on Saturday, we walked as a family with everyone from town in a charity race to raise money for an important cause. Today was spent either writing or in bed.

I'm looking forward to going back to work and the kids going back to school tomorrow.

What else happened this week?

I thought the leaves suspended in the water were really cool looking.

On Monday, I treated myself to ROMANCING THE STONE on Amazon Instant. My god, I love that movie.

Thanksgiving dinner was awesome. I ATE SO MUCH FOOD. My family had to roll me home. Lol.

I love my hair salon. It's in an old church, and my hair dresser is up in the loft area so I get to look down on everyone getting their hair done.

We walked with almost the whole town for Progeria research and my team raised over $6000!

And this was my permanent spot on the bed today. With Oreos.

Coming up this week on the blog: Teaser Tuesday, a reminder about the end of RELEASED being on sale, Monthly Goals, and the NaNoWriMo wrap-up!

Have a great week everyone!

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7 thoughts on “Sunday Update – November 26, 2017”

    1. Thanksgiving was wonderful! We had a great time and hit hardly any traffic, which was nice. Claritin continues to work well for me and my head cold is almost completely gone now. I’m feeling much better. <3

  1. I’m glad Claritin works for you I wish I could find something that works on my sinuses.
    Not what I want to discuss. Oreos! Oreos are made by Nabisco which is owned by RJ Reynolds or whatever they are going by this week. RJ Reynolds is a tobacco company that like all the other tobacco companies have branched out to diversify, mainly into foods. Those of us who hate tobacco call Nabisco and Oreos Death Brands because by buying those brands you are supporting tobacco companies and their business is quite literally killing people. I really don’t mean to criticize but if you have to eat Oreos, and you really don’t those little elves make some good cookies, just don’t talk about it or show their product.

    Thank you for letting me spout off on something I feel strongly about.

    Barbara Sutherlin

    1. You are more than welcome to boycott as many products as you like! You should see the list of products that I don’t buy. It’s about a mile long at this point. But yes I do buy and eat Oreos. RJ Reynolds is not on my boycott list and I have my reasons why.

      Claritin is about the only thing that works for me and I’m so grateful for it!

        1. I went down the rabbit hole on this, and you might want to update your records on Nabisco. It *was* RJR Nabsico until 1999 when it was acquired by Mondelez International which owns Belvita, Chips Ahoy!, Nabisco, Oreo, Ritz, TUC, Triscuit, LU, Club Social, Barni, and Peek Freans (cookies and crackers); Milka, Terry’s, Côte d’Or, Toblerone, Cadbury, Freia, Marabou, Fry’s, Lacta (chocolate), Trident, Dentyne, Chiclets, Halls, Stride (gum and cough drops) and Tang, amongst MANY other things. If there’s one thing I do, it’s a lot of research. Oreos, as far as I’m concerned, are completely fine, though you may not want to eat so many in one serving. RJ Reynolds now is just a tobacco company, and since I don’t smoke, they don’t get my money anyway.

          1. I watched both my parents die a very slow, very frighting death so my hatred for tobacco runs very deep. And you are right, I have not kept up with who owns what. Kraft & Nabisco are no longer owned by tobacco but they are still not good companies. And I can make a better cookie then they can. My apologies.

            In 2012, Kraft contributed $1,950,500 to a $46 million political campaign known as “The Coalition Against The Costly Food Labeling Proposition, sponsored by Farmers and Food Producers” The organization was founded to oppose Proposition 37, a California citizen’s initiative mandating the labeling of foods containing genetically modified ingredients. As a result, there were calls for a boycott of Kraft products.[65]
            In September 2017, an investigation conducted by NGO Mighty Earth found that a large amount of the cocoa used in chocolate produced by Mondelez and other major chocolate companies was grown illegally in national parks and other protected areas in Ivory Coast and Ghana. The countries are the world’s two largest cocoa producers.

            The report documents how in several national parks and other protected areas, 90% or more of the land mass has been converted to cocoa. Less than four percent of Ivory Coast remains densely forested, and the chocolate companies’ laissez-faire approach to sourcing has driven extensive deforestation in Ghana as well. In Ivory Coast, deforestation has pushed chimpanzees into just a few small pockets, and reduced the country’s elephant population from several hundred thousand to about 200-400.

            The US Commodity and Futures Commission (CTFC) alleged that Mondelez International and its former subsidiary, Mondelez Global, bought $90 million (£61 million) of wheat futures with no intention of taking delivery. According to the CTFC, the purchase raised the price of the commodity and earned the company $5.4 million.[79]

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      S. J. Pajonas