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Sunday Update – November 12, 2017

During November, it's hard for me to break away from NaNoWriMo to do other things, but this time around, I'm being much better about budgeting my time.

We had a busy week around here. Monday and Wednesday were our only normal days, and the rest were either abbreviated or off from school.

On Monday, we did our normal things. I wrote during the day and we had gymnastics in the evening.

Tuesday was Election Day, which means a half day of school for my kids. I dropped them off in the morning and then voted and went for a walk to exercise off the donut I bought at the school bake sale. Lol. I made sure to bring singles this time because I wasn't missing the baked goods. The day turned out well when all the election results came in, and I felt a little better about humanity.

Wednesday, my husband worked from home and the cleaning ladies came. I went for a walk while they were here and got in my words in any way that I could.

Thursday and Friday, My kids had off from school due to a statewide teachers' conference. On Thursday, I took them grocery shopping in the morning and then they had piano lessons in the afternoon. We've been watching Supergirl together whenever we can, and we watched an episode together during our lunchtime, which was nice. Then on Friday, my husband worked from home and I just tried to keep my kids from eating each alive out of boredom. Not easy, especially when I'm trying to write a first draft.

Saturday was another day where we just tried to keep the kids from being bored. I tried to set up some playdates but either people were out of town, busy, or sick. Not surprising given this particular four-day weekend and the weather in November. The youngest went to a birthday party, and by the end of the day, I thought I was getting sick too. I was just plain worn out. I did get in 2000 words though!

Today was a bit more chill. I didn't do much. I didn't walk. I sat on the couch a lot and did work on the computer. I set up all my blog posts for this week and wrote. We managed to get a playdate set up for the youngest, so at least she was occupied.

Thank god we go back to school tomorrow! At least the kids do. I go back to my daily work days. :)

In writing news, I have been doing well with NaNoWriMo and today I crossed the 20k mark on this book. Yay! If you want to follow along with my progress, you'll want to check in on my Facebook page once a day.

What else happened this week?

My knitting is really coming along, mostly because I realized I could knit and dictate at the same time! What a feat! I'm getting in a few rows every day as I dictate my book with Dragon. It's awesome.

I get in words where I can, including at tennis for my kids.

I got a Polar winter edition seltzer that was pretty darn good.


I got my newest Bokksu shipment and these Spice Cheese things were really good. They disappeared way too quickly.

And then we got Chinese food last night and my husband got the funniest and weirdest fortune ever. He has no idea who he's supposed to forgive. Lol.

Coming up this week on the blog: A LOT. There's an announcement about a free book tomorrow, Teaser Tuesday, the publication of CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD on Wednesday, and a reminder about the end of the free book on Friday. My blog is usually not this busy!

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas