Well, I thought I'd do a Book Chat, but it turns out that when I'm doing revisions, I don't have much bandwidth for anything else! I'll be saving up my books for whenever I have room in my schedule to write a post up.
On Monday this week, I dealt with plumbing issues in the Pajonas house. I called in a plumber to fix three major things and get my house back in working order. The kids had a half day and it rained, plus we had a playdate and gymnastics in the evening. It was a busy day.
Tuesday was for work. I started revisions on Hikoboshi 2 and set up a schedule for working every day.
Wednesday, I worked at home while the cleaning ladies were here then the kids had tennis lessons in the afternoon. Thursday, I ran errands in the morning between revisions, and then in the evening, my oldest kid did some community service with her Girl Scouts troop.
On Friday, I went to Panera with my writing buddy, Amy, after getting my hair cut. Then I napped before getting the kids from school because I knew we'd spend the whole early evening at LensCrafters, which we did. My youngest got her eyes checked, and she has eye strain from too much screen time, and I thought I was being good with limiting her! Gah. We obviously need more limits and more breaks so we got her a pair of blue-light blocking glasses and now we set timers for spending time at the computer or iPad. The oldest got a new pair of glasses too and I asked for the blue-light blocking filter for them as well. They should take about a week to come in. I got behind on revisions on Friday.
Saturday, I tried to concentrate on revisions, and I did, but it wasn't enough to make up for being behind on Friday. I took some time off from the computer to make apple crisp though and have family movie night.
Today, Sunday, I worked on revisions most of the day but was careful not too overdo it. I don't want to get sick from being on the computer all the time. It's not good for me! So I took some time off to knit and watch Project Runway.
What else happened this week?
I set up a revisions schedule which I hope to (mostly) stick to. I'm already behind but only because several of the earlier chapters are really long. I may be able to catch up later this week with shorter chapters.
Some cool lawn mushrooms from up the block.
I enjoyed some awesome rum punch today.
I'm seeing a lot of my keyboard this week as I do revisions.
LensCrafters is always an epic trip. Glad we only do it once per year.
And there's nothing like apple crisp baking on a Saturday afternoon. Yum!
Obviously, I'll be very busy with revisions this week but I also plan to drop by and update you all on changes to the Daydreamer Detective covers! I hope to get those done later this week as well as putting up the pre-order for the fourth book on Amazon.
Have a great week!
I’ll take some of that yummy apple crisp, please! LOL Sounds like all kinds of stuff for you this week. Good luck with your revisions. And those mushrooms look wild!
My Sunday Post
I just found more frozen apples in the freezer!! Apple crisp again this weekend! :)
Rum punch! *nods approvingly* and apple crisp sounds good too! I agree with Laura- those are some epic mushrooms! Wow.
Good luck with the revisions!
Thank you! The revisions are finally done, phew! Which is why I have time to reply to comments now. :) Definitely having apple crisp again this weekend!
Sounds like another busy week for you! I don’t usually like pictures of mushrooms (idk, they freak me out?), but that one is pretty cool!
The mushrooms around here were epic for a few weeks, not sure why. Maybe it’s a fall thing??
Nice you got those plumbing issues fixed. I am so excited about the second Hikoboshi book, I have a few books on my to-read list first, but I am reading it as soon as I can.
That apple crisp looks great! Yum! I haven’t made that in a while. Those mushrooms look cool, I always like seeing them spring up around this time of the year.
I’m totally ready to make another apple crisp. The first one went by too quickly!
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