Well, my fingers suffered the agony of writing but I finished THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE RETURNS A FAVOR last Sunday. That's my huge news for the week! It happened after I posted my Sunday Update but I referenced it in my October Goals post.
On Monday, it was back to school and work. In the morning, I pulled SUMMER HAIKUS from Amazon, waited for it to be unpublished, then I uploaded the new version. I then worked on new covers for my Daydreamer Detective series! They will all get an update later this month and the Daydreamer Detective has a new blurb too! I got one professionally written, and it's so great. I can't wait to use it!
On Tuesday, I walked, per usual, worked some more on random stuff I had put off while finishing Daydreamer 4, and then got our veggies from the CSA share. Then I had the evening to myself because my husband had work in the city.
Wednesday was a super busy day. I walked in the morning, showered, drove to the grocery store farther away, stocked up stuff we had been running out of, came home and put everything away. I then ate a very rushed lunch, went to the chiropractor and acupuncturist, then got the kids from school. Not long after that, I took them to their tennis lessons, came home, and made dinner. This was also the day I got my new computer up and running! I bought a PC, a Lenovo Flex 5, to run Dragon and a few other programs I can't get on Mac. In between all the other things I did on Wednesday, I also was working on that. I was pretty beat at the end of the day!
Thursday, I met up with my writing buddy Amy at Panera. We arrived a little later than usual because she had trouble locating her computer in her house! I'm so glad she found it. Then I ran an errand on the way home, and we had a nice chill afternoon at home. Finally, no place we had to be! Until the evening that is, when I had to go to the middle school for Back to School night. It was long, two whole hours, but it was fun and I got to meet all of my older kid's teachers.
Friday was finally a regular day. I got the kids to school, walked, showered, went to Whole Foods, had lunch at home, napped, and picked up the kids. Then we chilled all afternoon and evening because my husband worked from home.
On Saturday, the kids had piano lessons in the morning so I cleaned while that was going on, ate lunch, went for a walk, and worked in the afternoon. Then in the evening, we had english muffin pizzas as a family and played Monopoly together. My husband crushed us all in the first game and won. Lucky bastard. In the evening, we stayed up to watch the Michigan State vs University of Michigan football game, which is a huge rivalry. I'm a MSU alumni, so I root for the Spartans and they won! I went to bed tired but happy.
Today, we spent most of the day out on Long Island visiting family for my nephews' birthdays. The ride out there and back were both not too bad, so a good day all around.
In more work news, I'm currently reading Hikoboshi 2 and making notes along the way and I hope to start editing it tomorrow. Today and yesterday, SUMMER HAIKUS has been available for free on Amazon. As of this moment, I have given away over 2100 copies of it! I had an ad in Freebooksy today that put me over the top and now it's #80 in the Free Store and doing well in the charts. I hope some people in KU have been clicking borrow instead of just downloading the book because I'd love to get a leg up in the Paid charts tomorrow and some page reads as well. We shall see.
What else happened this week?
I've been working my way through my Japanese monthly snack box backlog. These were really good. Little brown sugar cookies. Mmmm!
Say hello to my new Dragon master! This is the Lenovo Flex 5.
During Back to School night, we were “forced” to do science experiments, complete with safety goggles.
I flew my Spartans flag outside for the big game on Saturday!
My new knitting project is pooling badly. So I've woven in a life line and I'm going to rip back and fix this by alternating with the other end of the skein.
And finally, here's where SUMMER HAIKUS is sitting today! Looking good! I'm so glad I republished this book.
Coming up this week on the blog: I think it's time for another Book Chat. I have some audiobooks I can write up!
Have a great week everyone!
Yay! I’m so excited to hear good news about Summer Haikus. I hope it translates into KU borrows. I made sure to mention it in my Sunday Post this week. :-)
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