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Sunday Update – September 10, 2017

The US made it through Hurricane Harvey, albeit, very battered and still recovering. And now I'm watching the news from Florida going through Hurricane Irma. My brother and his family live in Tampa, and they evacuated yesterday. Boy am I glad. Tampa is being whooped right now. We won't know how badly until tomorrow. Everyone, stay strong and safe!

This was our week when the kids went back to school and my schedule changed again.

Monday, it was Labor Day here in the States, and the last day at the pool. Thankfully it was a beautiful day and we spent it in and out of the sun, in and out of the pool. We enjoyed the day thoroughly.

On Tuesday, we had the day off but my husband went back to work. The kids and I stayed home for most of the morning, had friends over in the afternoon, prepped for school, picked up the CSA veggies, and went to bed early.

Wednesday was the first day of school! And I went back to my usual in-school sleep schedule of sleeping from 11pm to 4am, then tossing and turning until 6am. Which sucks. But I can't seem to shake it during the school year. It was raining on the first day of school, but my oldest daughter walked with her BFF to school on her own. *sniff* My baby is getting so big! Then I got my youngest off to her first day of school. I then had a busy day of my own with a chiropractor and acupuncture. In the afternoon, we had tennis and then treated ourselves to fish tacos for dinner!

On Thursday, another day of school and I had the freedom to go to Panera and hang out with my buddy, Amy Evans. It was good to see her again and catch up on what's going on in our lives.

On Friday, I had errands to run while the kids were at school then we went to an eye doctor appointment after school. We even tried to go shoe shopping for my youngest but, did you know, almost no stores carry kids' shoes anymore? We went to Macy's, DSW, and JC Penney's. No kids shoes. I give up and I'm going back to shopping online.

Saturday was a bit of a struggle. After sleeping poorly all week and then worrying about my family in Florida, I was having trouble motivating to do anything. The kids had piano lessons and then my husband had his guitar lessons. I just tried to stay busy but relaxed.

I did write both yesterday and today! I'm back to getting down words on Daydreamer 4. I think at this point, I'll only do one draft of this book because I've gone back and re-read it twice now and made notes about little tweaks I need to do to make the plot work. So I'm going to finish this draft, make those changes, and set it up for copy edits. I put in over 2k on it yesterday and close to 1300 words today. I hope to write all week!

What else happened this week?

On the last day at the pool, I did plenty of reading… and I wore a sweater. Yes, a sweater.

I love getting fresh potatoes in our CSA share!

The girls are doing tennis again and it's nice to be back at the courts.

I treated myself to a new Lesportsac purse.

I'm back on the horse! Writing feels good.

The last tomato in the greenhouse!

Coming up this week on the blog: my fourth anniversary as a published author!

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1 thought on “Sunday Update – September 10, 2017”

  1. I am glad to hear your brother evacuated, I hope they evaded the storm altogether that way! That’s nice you got to spend another day at the pool before your kids had to go back to school again. Sorry to hear you slept poorly all week with the worrying and change in schedule.

    I am glad to hear you’re working on daydreamer 4! looking forward to that one and the second Hikoboshi book ofcourse :D. I hope this week was a good one!

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S. J. Pajonas