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Sunday Update – September 3, 2017

It's a new month! If you missed my Monthly Goals for September, you'll want to go back a post and take a look at it. One thing you'll notice is that I did not include “Update the entire website” on the list of monthly goals for September. Lol. Maybe that's because I like to delude and lie to myself about such things.

So you'll see that the website here is a little different. I've been thinking about a redesign for a while. There were a few things I wanted out of a redesign: (1) faster load times, (2) fewer custom images, (3) a simpler design, (4) better searching, (5) switch to Smart URLs for all my links, and (6) make all my books pages look and act the same so they can be landing pages for newsletters and FB ads.

I think I've accomplished that with this redesign. The site loads much faster due to a streamlined template and fewer images on the page. Those slideshows were slick, but they caused the page to hang when loading, and now I don't have to make custom images for them any longer. The blog format is nice too now, with bigger images where it counts. And though I liked the simplicity of Books2Read links for all my books, I had heard from other people that they didn't always work for those outside the US. The new buttons should perform much better for you all.

I'm still working on a few of the books pages but the majority of them are done. I'll finish up tonight!

Looking back on the week, we had a chill time.

Monday, we slept in and then went to the pool in the afternoon.

On Tuesday, we took it easy, picked up our weekly CSA veggies, and hung out around the house.

Wednesday was busy with middle school band orientation, lunch out together, acupuncture, and then haircuts for both my kids.

Thursday, we had hoped to go to the pool and we did for a short time, but then the weather got bad and we came home early.

Friday, my husband had off so we were busy again. I had a haircut appointment in the morning, he went golfing, and then I took the kids grocery shopping in the afternoon.

Saturday, I started updating my website. The kids had piano lessons, we practiced riding bikes, and then we hung out with our neighbors until the weather turned bad on us.

Today, I have worked on and off all day! And I still have more work to do…

What else happened this week?

I received a lovely gift from a fellow author friend. I'm so excited that her second book will be out soon!

The kids got haircuts this week and they were much needed.

My essential oils collection is getting out of control.

This display at Whole Foods cracks me up.

This was a tasty concoction.

And there's been a lot of website work the past few days!

I hope you all have an awesome week!

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4 thoughts on “Sunday Update – September 3, 2017”

    1. I’m pretty happy with it! And I didn’t have to go in and edit any of the backend files for once. I was able to do everything I wanted to do with the framework and stylesheets alone.

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S. J. Pajonas