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Sunday Update – August 6, 2017

Well, we're into August now and the end of summer looms ahead. I don't want it to end. I love summer (as most of you know) and it always goes by so quickly. I'm going to savor every day ahead of me!

This was a pretty stress free week. We spent most of it at the pool. I took the kids there on Monday after camp. Tuesday, I worked my last shift for the CSA and took the girls to the pool again in the afternoon. My husband was gone these two days so I tried to make them as easy as possible.

On Wednesday, the cleaning ladies came so I went grocery shopping and then read until it was time to get the kids from camp. Rain and thundershowers prevented us from going to the pool this day and my husband came home from his trip so we spent the evening together as a family.

Thursday we were back at the pool after camp and I took a friend's kid along with us. It worked out really well. Friday, again, pool after camp. Yesterday, we spent the day at home because of rain and cooler weather. Today, also, no pool due to cooler temperatures.

I spent most of the week re-reading CRASH LAND ON KURAI and cementing it into my head for revisions of Hikoboshi Book 2 which I'm already cruising through. I have scaled back writing on Daydreamer 4 so I can get some revisions done, but I think this week I'm going to set a goal of 1000 words per day on Daydreamer 4 so I can stay on top of it. My kids start a different camp this week and it doesn't start every day until 9:30am so I may do my exercising early before camp. We shall see.

What else happened this week?

I enjoyed reading CRASH LAND ON KURAI both at home and at the pool.

Mickey and I agree on this.

I administer the Dragon group on Facebook and every now and then we get someone who wants to join because they think it's a group about dragons. Lol. Denied.

We had an awesome haul of veggies from the CSA this week!

And I finally found my name on a Coke!

Probably no other posts this week (unless I can pull together a Book Chat) as I plan to be busy both with writing and revisions… and life! Have a great week everyone!

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2 thoughts on “Sunday Update – August 6, 2017”

  1. Glad to hear you had a stress free week and you got to go to the pool a few times. That sounds handy to re-read book 1 before starting revisions for book 2. That’s nice you found your name on a coke! Have a great week!

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S. J. Pajonas