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UGLY BEAUTIFUL GIRL By Tracy Krimmer Cover Reveal

As most of you know, I can't live without my BFF and critique partner, Tracy Krimmer. Though we write in different genres, we both read recreationally the same kinds of books we each write. I flew through UGLY BEAUTIFUL GIRL over the weekend and gave her my glowing positive feedback. I'm looking forward to Tracy publishing this one! Here's the cover!

Today is the cover reveal for UGLY BEAUTIFUL GIRL by Tracy Krimmer. This cover reveal is organized by Lola's Blog Tours.

By Tracy Krimmer
Genre: Coming of Age/ Contemporary Romance
Age category: New Adult
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Nerd. Weird. Ugly. That's me. And I don't want it to be anymore.

Now is my time to make my mark on the world. My college roommate doesn't make it easy. Neither does her brother, Jesse, but for completely different reasons. He makes me feel things I've never felt before.

Wanted. Important. Beautiful.

But we can't be together because it isn't real. Someone like him could never fall for someone like me. We aren't meant to fit together.

Even if I fall apart without him.

You can find UGLY BEAUTIFUL GIRL on Goodreads

You can pre-order UGLY BEAUTIFUL GIRL here on Amazon. Will be available on Kindle Unlimited.

About the Author

Tracy's love of writing began at nine years old. She wrote stories about aliens at school, machines that did homework for you, and penguins. Now she pens books and short stories about romance. She loves to read a great book, whether it be romance or science fiction, or any genre in between, or pop popcorn and catch up on her favorite TV shows or movies. She's been known to crush a candy or two as well. Her loves include fitness, reading, coffee, dogs, and naps (not in that order), and her dislikes are blue cheese, cold weather, and burpees.

You can find and contact Tracy here:

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S. J. Pajonas