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Sunday Update – July 16, 2017

Late day Sunday Update today! We had family over today to celebrate my youngest's birthday. It was a fun-filled day of food, sun, and lots of talking.

The week went by pretty quickly. I really don't remember much of it! I have to look back at my photos to see what happened. Lol.

Monday was a bit stressful. I had an all-day takeover in a very big reader group on Facebook… that I thought was on Tuesday. Oops! I hustled right away and got the day rolling with only a 15-minute delay. My takeover went really well though! I kept everyone chatting all day long, played lots of games and gave away a lot of books. I met new people and had a great time. No complaints. People were commenting on my posts well into later in the week! I obviously had an impact on them. :heart: I did some of my posts from the pool and treated the kids to a cool and easy evening there.

Tuesday was chill. We got our weekly vegetable share and spent the evening at the pool. The kids ate dinner there since my husband was working late. I had a giant salad at home later for dinner. Tuesday was Amazon Prime Day. I didn't really sell any books but I got a great deal on something that's hush-hush for the time being. :)

Wednesday was my youngest's 7th birthday. Happy birthday, Lil'D!! She went to camp and I worked, cleaned up the house, and saw my chiropractor. Then I picked up the kids, and my mom and aunt came over. My aunt was just visiting, and my mom stayed for the night. We all went out to dinner together to celebrate D's birthday and had ice cream for dessert. My mom had an excellent night's sleep on the couch.

Thursday, Mom was still here. We went out for a walk together in the morning, had lunch together, and then I drove her to the airport in the afternoon. Her trip home didn't go as planned (don't ask) but she eventually made it home.

Friday, my husband and I took the morning off and saw Wonder Woman at the dine-in theater. It was nice seeing a movie together! We haven't done that in a long time. I enjoyed Wonder Woman immensely! It was awesome to see women kicking butt, and Diana Prince was super charming and had great depths of character that I admired. A hearty 5 stars from me! Afterward, I got the kids from camp and went grocery shopping in the afternoon. We then spent the evening at home since it was a rainy day.

Saturday, the sun was shining again, so after walking in the morning and having lunch at home, I took the kids to the pool in the afternoon.

All this week, I wrote little bits here and there on Daydreamer 4. I'm loving this story already, even if it's slow going. I'm not pushing myself on this draft, especially right around the launch of CRASH LAND ON KURAI, which is weighing heavily on my thoughts and my confidence/self-esteem. I'm hesitant to make a prediction on how well it'll do, especially since it's the first book I'm launching into Kindle Unlimited. Let's hope it exceeds expectations.

What else happened this week?

I enjoyed some Stress Away essential oils with a foot bath.

I consumed plenty of beverages.

We grew a cucumber in the green house!

Birthday ice cream celebration for D.

I worked on my knitting for a bit.

And some new copies of THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE came, so I'll be doing some giveaways in the months ahead!

And that's it! This week on the blog we have the launch of CRASH LAND ON KURAI and two teasers for it! Have a great week!

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5 thoughts on “Sunday Update – July 16, 2017”

  1. I really enjoyed your Facebook takeover, you had some fun questions and it was nice to see everyone comment on your posts.

    I think i got one book for free on Prime Day, but that’s it. Then again my Amazon gift card money is running low, so I can’t really spend much. I keep hoping Amazon will add some other payment options eventually. And now I am curious what you bought for a good deal that’s hush hush.

    Happy birthday to your youngest! I hope she had a fun day. I haven’t seen Wonder Women yet, but I heard good things about it :).

    I am glad to hear you’re working on Daydreamer 4. And I really hope your launch for Crash land on Kurai goes greats and exceeds your expectations. I just scheduled a bunch of tweets yesterday about my review for the 18th and 19th.

    That cucumber looks great! And I like your colors for your latest knit! Have a great week!

    1. I thought the Facebook takeover was a lot of fun! And I think I got lucky with it on a Monday. People were just going back to work and probably didn’t WANT to work, so they spent time in the party. Lol.

      You have a great week too!

  2. I’m crossing my fingers for you on Kurai’s release—I really loved it, as you can tell from my review! We kind of splurged on Prime Day, but my husband works for Amazon and he sort of feels like it’s his duty to test out all their new devices. LOL!

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S. J. Pajonas