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Teaser Tuesday – Powerful

It's Teaser Tuesday again!! Today, you get to meet Rin, the hero of this series…

It was always my intention to make this series about bridging worlds and bringing two very different people together. Yumi's parents, Kentaro and Namika, are like this. Kentaro is from Earth and Namika is from Orihime. I thought it would be fun to repeat the same connection in their daughter.

In this case, I decided to start Rin and Yumi off on shaky ground since he almost kills her more than once in this book before they come to a truce. He's from a police agency and he's one of the first people to track her down on Kurai. By the time this quote comes in the story, they've already been to hell and back and they still have a long way to go to be friends. Or more…

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Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you again on Thursday!

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5 thoughts on “Teaser Tuesday – Powerful”

  1. I can’t wait to see their romance develop. For a little while I thought Gen (I think that was his name? The one she hits int he first scene) might be the love interest. Then we met Rin and I was like no nevermind this is the love interest.
    It’s interesting to see how these worlds are different and I think it will be interesting to see their relationship develop with how they are from different worlds, but find common ground. Oh and with how things end in this book it really makes me curious what will happen next. *sigh* I wish the next book was out already. Crash Land on Kurai was so good!

    1. Hahahaha. I’m trying to imagine her falling for Gen, and nope. :) But it seems to have been a good red herring! It has been fun writing this series so far. And going into revisions on Book 2, I’ve had so many good ideas of what to do with it in the last month, I’m itching to get back to it!

      1. I know right? Afterwards I can’t see it either. But there was this moment where he showed a bit of kindness and I thought maybe you were going for the enemies to lovers thing and would change him from not likeable to likeable. It just didn’t feel quite right and then when she met Rin I changed my mind. I like Rin much better, so I am glad he’s the love interest ;).

        These teasers just remind me of how much I enjoyed the book. I am looking forward to sharing my review on my blog next week :)

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S. J. Pajonas