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Sunday Update – July 2, 2017

Compared to last week, this was one was anti-climatic. Lol. I spent a lot of time at home, cleaning up, working, and just trying to recover from Disney.

Monday, I took it easy. I went for a walk around the park in the morning and then worked on cleaning up our crafting corner at home. Cleaning the crafting corner, though, took THREE HOURS. It was a mess and had been for several months, so it needed work. I set aside a giant bin of paper to be recycled, went through all the coloring books and determined which to keep, and organized two spaces into one. Then in the afternoon I took the kids to the pool where I read and worked a bit.

Tuesday, I went for another walk in the afternoon after lunch. I spent the morning cleaning up the house and putting stuff away from vacation. In the afternoon, I took the kids to the pool again.

Wednesday, I ran errands and went to the chiropractor. I then worked for a bit and took the kids to the pool. (See a pattern here?)

Thursday was the only day I didn't take the kids to the pool. They had piano lessons in the afternoon so we took a day off. It was also a good day to work on hydrating their hair, as the pool tends to suck their hair dry and brittle. For me, I spent the day painting the front door and threshold!

Friday was a usual day. Went for a walk in the morning, went to Whole Foods for groceries, and lunch. And then took the kids to the pool for the whole evening and even fed them dinner there.

Saturday, we slept in and spent the day at home because lots of storms came through. I got some walking on the treadmill in, but I took it easy too.

The whole week my husband was gone to Europe and the UK, so I had to stay busy! Work-wise, I put together all my teasers for CRASH LAND ON KURAI, read what I've already written of Daydreamer 4, and I've been reading lots of non-fiction on plotting and Amazon ads. I hope to start writing on Daydreamer 4 again tomorrow!

What else happened this week?

Before and after of the crafting corner. Much better now!

Enjoying one of my new Disney shirts.

New veggies from the CSA means salads!!

Summer thunderstorms bring double rainbows.

Got some home improvement done.

Husband brought me back my favorite candy from the UK.

The coolest watermelon on the block.

And I dyed the tips of my girls' hair on a rainy Saturday.

Hope you all have a great week!

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4 thoughts on “Sunday Update – July 2, 2017”

  1. It’s nice to have a bit of a quiet week after the busy one you had last week :). Cleaning tasks like that always take a lot of time, but it’s great when it’s done. Wow what a difference in that before and after picture!

    I am looking forward to see all the teasers for Crash Land! And I am excited you’re starting on daydreamer 4! Have a great week!

    1. I’m happy to be working on Daydreamer 4 again. I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy it because I didn’t know where the story was going, but now that I do, I’m excited!

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S. J. Pajonas