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July 2017 Goals

Boy, June was busy!! I don't think I've had a month like that in years! I'm glad we're coasting into July which is nothing but summer summer summer and pool pool pool.

What Happened With June's Goals?

Finish edits of Hikoboshi 1 and get it ready for publication. DONE! I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown before I finished but I did finish right before we left on vacation. I'm glad to have it done now. The deadline really motivated me but next time I'm going to loosen it up a little bit. I ended the deadline by having a night of tears. I'd rather celebrate next time! Lol.

Cover, blurb, and title reveal of Hikoboshi 1. Done! This went great and I love that the cover got some love online.

Make six teasers for Hikoboshi 1. Done and uploaded to my blog. I'm going to spend some time this weekend scheduling these all out for the month.

Get all book blitz materials to Lola by June 14th. Uh, I did not get these to Lola. I had hoped to, but it didn't happen. I'll be getting these to her this coming week.

If I have anything left in me, brainstorm more for Daydreamer 4. I did brainstorm for Daydreamer 4 a bit and I've gone back to read what I've already written.

Knit in the evenings. I didn't knit as much as I wanted to because of the insane deadline. I did knit on vacation, though!

More walking, reading, and audiobooks. I did well with this this month! Mostly because walking around Disney made me hit all of my walking goals easily.

As you can see from these charts, I'm 54% complete with my walking goal for the year and I was ahead of my miles for the month!

Sit outside more. I did sit outside more and it was good for me.

Go on vacation! I finished pretty much everything before we left and then we went to Disney! it was a lot of fun and it was a good trip, both for my family and me personally. I was present the entire time, rode almost all of the rides (no Tea Cups because motion sickness), and re-energized myself for the road ahead.

Business Goals For July

Write 40k on Daydreamer 4. That's approximately 1300 words per day which I think I can do even with some ramp up the first few days of July. I need to do some plotting and planning.

Launch CRASH LAND ON KURAI. This includes getting everything together for the book blitz, Facebook and AMS ads, newsletter, launching the paperback and asking the review team to review, etc. Plus sacrificing something to the Book Sales Gods.

Finish reading up on plotting and Facebook ads. I have a few non-fiction books I'm reading that will help me with advertising. Now's a good time to advertise in the summer when rates are low, so I'd really like to get them going.

Personal Goals For July

Read every day. Not only am I reading a bunch of non-fiction books for work, but I'm also reading ANNE OF GREEN GABLES with my oldest daughter. I've, of course, read it before, but reading it with her is fun too.

Knit more. Now that most of my hard deadlines are past, I'd like to go back to knitting a few rows every night.

Walk more. I'll be writing so I can walk on the treadmill and either dictate or type.

Enjoy summer. It's my favorite season, so I plan to be outside at the pool as much as possible, even if I'm working there.

Have a great July everyone!

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4 thoughts on “July 2017 Goals”

  1. Neat you hit almost all of your June Goals and finished Hikoboshi 1 on time. I loved the book and I really hope your launch will go awesome! I am looking forward to seeing the teasers for this one and seeing which scenes you picked for them.

    And no worries about getting the materials to me later, as soon as I have them a week in advance at the latest that’s fine.

    I am also not a fan of teacups because I get motion sick sometimes.

    Good luck with your July goals! And I am excited to hear you’re getting started on the fourth Daydreamer book! And enjoy your summer!

  2. Writing and publishing in a timely manner is no small feat.
    I cannot imagine anyone declaring you spam so I must think people have gone mad. Actually I do think that. The world has become mean and ugly and it our duty to write them back to happy people.

    1. Writing publishing, especially mostly on your own, is so dang tough. I’m impressed with these people doing it every month or every other month. I’m struggling with three times per year! And yes, I do feel it’s my duty to write these stories and keep the world a happy place. <3

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S. J. Pajonas