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Sunday Update – June 18, 2017

Guys, this was the busiest, most stressful week I've had in a long time. It was the last week of school. It was also the last week I had to get CRASH LAND ON KURAI ready before we leave on vacation. Every day was PACKED with stuff to do. By the time Friday rolled around, I was crying at dinner time because I was so stressed out. BUT I feel much better now, so no worries! Obviously I just needed a good cry to get things out.

Monday was one of our last normal days. My oldest kid had a class trip for the whole day and my youngest had a normal school day. It was hot and muggy, and I worked while on the treadmill in the basement.

Tuesday was the last full day of school. The kids had a good day and then we picked up our CSA veggies afterward. Not too bad.

Wednesday, things started to get crazy. I had to go to school for a Flag Day assembly in which my youngest sang songs about the U.S. and was all patriotic and stuff. Lol. It was really cute. Then I ran errands, picked the kids up at 12:30pm, fed them, and took them to tennis in the afternoon for their last lesson until Fall. I worked every spare minute I had.

Thursday, I was at the school pretty much all morning for the Fourth Grade Farewell. My oldest is graduating from her elementary school. It was both sweet and sad, and there were many tears. She was awarded the Aspiring Author Award for wanting to be just like her mom (omg I'm so proud) and always being on Google Docs penning her next best seller. :) After school, we had piano lessons and friends over for a playdate. Again, I worked in every spare minute.

Friday, I was finally done with work! I had proofed the whole book, changed a few names, ironed out my timeline, and fixed all the timeline inconsistencies. I formatted it in Vellum and sent it out to my ARC readers. It was weird to be done with this book but exciting too! I hope my readers love it! It was also the last day of school. My oldest daughter was clapped-out of her school. This means that everyone in the school lined the driveway and all the fourth graders came out to music and everyone clapping for them. Yes, there were more tears from me and from her. We gave her roses for her big day. Then she and her sister were at a birthday party all afternoon until gymnastics time.

Are you exhausted yet? Because I was. I cried through dinner that night because I've been working so hard and the end of school and finishing off my book just got to me. Sigh.

Saturday, I was feeling much better after a good night's sleep. I took it easy, got my hair cut, cleaned up around the house, and read. It was a nice chill day. We went out for lobster buffet dinner in the evening to celebrate upcoming Father's Day. It's so nice to do these things with the kids now!

Sunday, today, it's Father's Day. My husband took the kids to church, I went for a walk, and then we gave him the afternoon off by going to the pool without him. Now it's time for dinner and packing for a week away.

What else happened this week?

The week started out nicely with some Japanese for lunch! Oishii!

We flew the flag on Flag Day.

The Fourth Grade Farewell was full of great moments.

My eldest indulged in a blue sparkly bath bomb.

Flowers for the elementary school graduate.

Dinner last night was spectacular! And the place was hosting a wedding while we were there.

I'm halfway to my walking goal for the year!

The pool was hot and sticky today!

And now it's time for knitting and HOUSE OF CARDS.

Coming up this week on the blog: celebrating my critique partner's new novel, and that's it, because I'M GOING ON VACATION. Bye!

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S. J. Pajonas