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Sunday Update – May 7, 2017

Another week come and gone. It was busy around here as usual, which is always nice. I like it when I have plenty to do!

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, my husband had jury duty which means that he got home at a decent time each day! He came home in the late afternoons and worked on this project of his in the backyard, putting together a greenhouse space for our container plants. It has chicken wire underneath and chicken wire all around it to keeping all of our wildlife out of our plants. I spent the days working on writing and walking. Monday, we were able to chill after school and then Tuesday my oldest has her regular tutoring.

On Wednesday, my husband worked from home and we were able to go out for a lunch date together! We haven't done that in a long time. We went to our local Thai place for lunch where the staff knows me by name now. Lol. We also ran into almost the entire staff of my chiropractor's office while there. I love living in a small town. The kids had tennis in the afternoon and I worked on writing while I was there.

On Thursday, I lost momentum with writing. I was on my walk and I was doubting everything. I was sure my story was boring and I had gone in the wrong direction with it. I wondered if I had gone totally, irreversibly wrong. So I came home and I started reading. I read fast, skimming all the 45,000 words I had already written. That took the rest of Thursday and part of Friday before I decided that everything was fine and I could go back to my story. Sigh. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember what I wrote and if I'm servicing the story in the right way.

On Friday, it was raining super hard here. I decided to skip the gym since my shoulder was bothering me and just do Whole Foods for groceries and lunch. My Whole Foods is great but there was a river running through the parking lot and I got soaked on the way in and out. My husband came home from work that night and he just looked so spent and not at all with it. I had a feeling he was really sick, but we went to bed hoping the next day would be better.

Nope. On Saturday, he woke up and looked like death so I urged him to go to urgent care. Yep. He has pneumonia in both lungs. Poor guy. He'd been coughing for weeks, probably had walking pneumonia and couldn't get better. The good news is that he's been resting a lot and has antibiotics now. Hopefully, he's on the mend.

I didn't post this earlier today because I went to a Mother-Daughter Tea with my youngest and her Girl Scout troop. It was a lot of fun, and we got all dressed up for it. I love her Girl Scout troop and all the ladies involved. They're all super nice.

What else happened this week?

I love being able to work outside.

Here's the new outside greenhouse! I hope we're able to grow vegetables all summer and keep out the wildlife.

Taco Tuesday was had.

I had one last long walk in my old walking shoes.

Right before my new ones showed up!

The turtles were out sunning themselves! And I even saw a deer (see image at the top of the post).

I'm getting in words where I can because I think I'll have to reformat my drive this week. I spent all last night downloading app installers for all my apps and finding serial numbers.

And tea with scones was lovely this morning.

Coming up this week on the blog: not sure. I may be without my computer for a few days, so catch me over on Instagram!

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6 thoughts on “Sunday Update – May 7, 2017”

  1. Same here! I also like being busy :). That’s awesome your husband is making a greenhouse in your garden! And nice you were able to go out for a lunch date the next day.

    Sorry to hear you lost momentum with your writing :(. Self doubt can be so hard to deal with.

    That Mother Daughter tea sounds fun! I hope next week will be a good one!

    1. Thank you, Lola! I think I’m recovered from the self doubt and I’m glad I only let it get me down for about a day. We had a great time at the mother-daughter tea today! It was nice spending time with just my youngest daughter. :)

  2. A lunch date, how fun! The mother-daughter tea sounds fun too. But oh no, hopefully your husband will feel better soon! Pneumonia does not sound like fun :-/

    Btw, I love how the guy in the background at the gym or wherever that is matches the colors of the photo lol.

    1. A lucky coincidence! That’s a kid I don’t know getting tennis lessons! :) And yeah, I hope my husband is feeling better soon, too. He is quite unhappy.

  3. Sorry that your husband got sick. Hope he’s better soon! And I’m glad that you were able to take stock of the book once again and figure out that you’re on track!

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S. J. Pajonas