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May 2017 Goals

Well, April did not turn out the way I thought it would. First I got sick, which maybe I had coming, seeing as I hadn't been sick in over two years. Lol. Then we had Spring Break and we were away for a whole week. Then when we returned, I spent several days dealing with computer troubles. So three of the four weeks were pretty much shot. I'm hoping for much better this month!

What Happened With April's Goals?

Keep writing. I would like 1000 words on each book, each day for April, which means another 30,000 on each book. This DID NOT HAPPEN. Not even close. I started April with Hikoboshi 2 at 14k and I only got to 40k with it, so that's 26k. BUT, I stopped writing on Daydreamer 4 once I got the first act mostly down. So I didn't really add to that book. Boo.

Get covers made for Hikoboshi 1 and 2. I got my cover for Hikoboshi 1 and I expect to have the cover for Hikoboshi 2 by the end of the first week in May.

Listen to and finish Mark Dawson's Ads for Authors Course. I have not finished this but I'm still making progress on it.

More audiobooks. I did listen to two this month but only one made it into the Book Chat due to timing.

More walking. I didn't meet my miles goals this month, which is sad, but that's what happens when you get sick. I'm about six miles short of my walking goal for the month. BUT I am still way ahead for the year. As of today, I'm 36% to my goal of 1000 Miles in 2017, and I need 336 miles, but I have 362!

My stats for the month! I'm about 8.2 miles short of my monthly goal of 84 miles.

But my progress for the year is still good! I'm way ahead due to front-loading my miles in the beginning of the year when I was healthy.

Start an herb garden. I didn't do this. Instead I went back to knitting! Lol. Are you laughing? Because I am. I had that knitting goal set every month for the last year and didn't meet it. I suddenly change my goal to herb gardening and I go back to knitting. :joy:

Read up on AppleScript. And didn't even touch these books. Man. I really missed the mark this month. Boo! :angry:

Business Goals For May

Finish Hikoboshi 2. I need to work hard and finish this book before June. Basically, I have to pull a NaNoWriMo this month. I think I'll set up my Scrivener to motivate me.

Finish the Mark Dawson course and set up my Facebook ads. Soon, I'll be ready to move over to MailPoet and when I do, I want those Facebook leads to go to MailPoet, not MailChimp.

Personal Goals For May

The usual. More audiobooks, more walking.

Finish my knitting project. I'm actually in the last section of my knitting project. If I can get my writing done during the day, I can knit in the evening while my husband watches Breaking Bad.

Finish reading one ebook. It's a low goal, but I think I can do it. :wink:

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1 thought on “May 2017 Goals”

  1. Sorry you didn’t meet as many of your April goals, but it’s still nice to see which progress you did make. And with everything else going on, it makes sense you have less time for other things. And how fun you actually went back to knitting as soon as you didn’t make it a goal. Strange how that goes sometimes.

    Good luck with your May goals!

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S. J. Pajonas