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Sunday Update – April 16, 2017

It's Easter Sunday, so if you celebrate, Happy Easter! If not, enjoy the half-price chocolate tomorrow. :) We're finally home after traveling and being gone all week, and I'm so glad to be back on my couch again. Yesterday, we flew home and today we traveled to Long Island to visit family for the holiday, hitting traffic both ways. Ugh.

It was a pretty good week off. Last Sunday, we flew to Charleston, South Carolina, to visit my parents and stay for the whole of Spring Break week. We had a good, easy flight in, went to Charleston for dinner at Hyman's, and went to bed exhausted.

Monday was chill with a walk where I ran into a teeny, tiny turtle, and then beach in the afternoon. Tuesday was much the same, a walk, reading, and the afternoon at the beach.

Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Wednesday was much the same reading, walking, and then dinner at home for the evening.

Thursday, we finally did something different. We went to Magnolia Plantation, walked around the grounds and then had a nature boat tour where we saw tons of birds including a Great Blue Heron and lots of alligators! Many of the gators were HUGE and we saw some babies too.

Friday, we had an Easter Egg Hunt for the girls and went to the beach in the afternoon then out to dinner with family.

Saturday, my husband took the girls to the beach, we had lunch, flew out of Charleston back home around 3:30pm, and home later around 6:30pm.

Today, it was out to Long Island to visit family for East Sunday.

Phew! Are you tired? I sure am. I didn't get much done work-wise while I was gone. There were a few days that I wrote, but man, my hands really suffered. I can't type more than 2k in a day, which is pretty sad and makes me REALLY glad I have dictation. But I don't have dictation when I travel because I use it on my PC laptop, which doesn't travel with me. So I didn't do much writing on our trip, unfortunately. Instead, I went in and revised my outlines, brainstormed, and I'm now ready to go back and revise the first act of Hikoboshi 2.

What else happened this week?

Travel started off right with good food at the airport and then seafood dinner at Hyman's in Charleston.

Check out the little turtle I rescued from the street on my walk!

BEACH!!! It was beautiful there, hot, sunny, and the kids even went in the water.

I love this crocheted table cloth my grandmother made.

Lots of reading outside with my parents' dog at my feet.

Calalilies, a Great Blue Heron, and lots of alligators at the Magnolia Plantation.

Dinner out with my husband on Thursday night. We went to Taco Boy in Folly Beach, our favorite.

My last trip to the beach.

Flying on the plane usually means I knit and listen to podcasts or my audiobook.

And while we were gone, spring really began at home. I'm so excited for green green green!

Coming up this week: I'm not sure yet, though I hope to write here when I can! Have a great week!

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8 thoughts on “Sunday Update – April 16, 2017”

  1. Sounds like a great week! Lots of relaxing stuff but also plenty of exhausting stuff it seems! And aww adorable little turtle <3 Also I've never been in a plane, so that picture of the clouds is really cool!

    1. You’ve never been on a plane? I’ve been flying since I was 13, I believe. I love being able to go to new places, so I highly recommend it if you get a chance! :) The baby turtle was so cute. I put it back in the grass so hopefully it wouldn’t get crushed.

  2. Happy Easter! Looks like a great week. Mmm seafood- yum. :)

    And love the turtle. The heron pic is nice too.

  3. Laura Akers Collins

    Looks like you had a great trip, we love Charleston. We live about 2 hours from Charleston. My daughter is going this weekend on her honeymoon there. We have to eat at Hyman’s every time we visit Charleston. Love their fried flounder.

    1. I had the fried catfish at Hyman’s with their awesome shrimp and grits. Yum! I was totally in love with everything I ate. :) My parents live just southeast of Charleston so we visit them a few times per year.

  4. I didn’t celebrate Easter and even forgot to buy some chocolate for myself. I hope you had a good vacation, even though it sounds plenty of busy too. I can’t wait for the first Hikoboshi book!

    That turtle is so cute!

    Just like Kristen I’ve never been on a plane. I am terrified of the idea of flying. I also have a fear of heights, which probably contributes to my fear of planes.

    I like that picture of you reading with your parent’s dog at your feet.

    Spring has arrived here too, we have these beautiful trees with lots of white flowers around our apartment complex, a week or two ago there were at their best, now they’re turning green again. The wind blew most of the flowers away already. I hope this week was a good one for you!

    1. It was busy but still relaxing enough for me to come home and feel like I went on vacation. I really wanted to steal that turtle and bring him home but I put him back in the grass away from the road. I hope he didn’t get squished!

      I’m also looking forward to getting my new series “out there.” Even while I’m writing Book 2, though, I’m realizing what I need to go back and change in Book 1 to make the series flow. It just reminds me that I’m much better off writing a few books before I publish.

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S. J. Pajonas