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Teaser Tuesday – Birds

It's Teaser Tuesday time for THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE OPENS A TEA SHOP! One of the creepy moments in the book that I wonder if readers caught were these phone calls Amanda gets where all she hears are birds. Once you read the book, you may figure out who was calling her, but for that moment, when Amanda is actually scared and not being a total bitch, Mei sees the fear in her eyes, and she doesn't care. Funny how that happens. When you get mistreated enough, it's hard to feel empathy for those that wronged you.

THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE OPENS A TEA SHOP is now available! Get caught up with Mei and her hometown of Chikata, or start the series with THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE and see how it all started.

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1 thought on “Teaser Tuesday – Birds”

  1. Yeah, it is sometimes hard to feel empathy for people when they mistreat you enough. Great quote! I’m also curious as to why she was getting phone calls of bird sounds…

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S. J. Pajonas