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Sunday Update – February 19, 2017

Quick update this week as I'M ON VACATION. Not a huge vacation by any means. We're in Pennsylvania, enjoying two nights away from home. It was easy to get here and the kids are having fun, which is all that matters.

This week I spent either editing and walking or preparing for THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE OPENS A TEA SHOP to publish. The date is set! It'll be available on February 27! I thought I would go for the 24th, but I didn't like that it was a Friday. I have pre-orders set up on all the vendors but Amazon, and I hope to be done with all of them by Wednesday.

Otherwise, this week, there were days when I had to run errands or grocery shop or whatever instead of working, but all in all, I kept busy at editing and thinking really hard about what I'll write next, which I hope to start by March 1.

I have decided that I can't work with what I don't have written (duh) so getting down rough first drafts via dictation is where I need to concentrate my efforts. A few months ago, I was against that idea, but I realize now after editing both THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE OPENS A TEA SHOP and Hikoboshi 1 that this is actually working out for me better than I thought it would. And as always, I'm learning to be flexible about how I write because getting the stories out there is the most important thing. So anyway, those are my thoughts on that!

The other stuff in life is going well. I think all the walking is really helping with my intermittent depression. I walked outside today in the sun and I immediately felt better. When I walk and work, I feel better. I really think walking is the key to my happiness.

What else happened this week?

My husband's seedlings are really growing!

We had Taco Monday this week, which was a nice change of pace.

My treadmill got some TLC on Valentine's Day. I have to clean it up and keep it lubricated because I use it so often. If I don't do this, the motor tends to be unhappy. And my treadmill is my savior. If it broke, I'd be broke. Lol.

I worked whenever I could this week. At the tennis club and at the gymnasium while my kids were active.

This indoor waterpark we're at is huge but also really noisy. I had to leave in order to get back my sanity.

And I finally crossed a review milestone! THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE passed 80 reviews! And the majority of them are 4- and 5-stars. I'm super happy with this. I've never had this many reviews on one of my books! Thanks to all who have given this book a chance. I really appreciate it!

4 thoughts on “Sunday Update – February 19, 2017”

  1. Enjoy your vacation!

    I’ll do my best to finish the third daydreamer book before release day so i can get my review up on the vendor sites that day, although it probably won’t be till later next month I can schedule it on my blog. I am really enjoyed the book so far! It’s so good! I am looking forward to the few chapters I can read every evening.

    I am curious to hear what you’ll be writing next! Glad to hear the walking is helping your mood.

    I don’t do well with noisy places, so i can understand you had to leave for a bit. And yay for getting so many review for the first daydreamer book! I hope you’re having a good week!

  2. You’re probably back from you vacay already since it took me until Friday to comment lol, so did you enjoy it?

    Good luck with the upcoming Daydreamer release! And that’s great to hear the walking is helping you. Ooh what is your husband growing? Also, I’ve not had tacos in forever. Damn you for making me want tacos now lol.

    Congrats on the review milestone!

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S. J. Pajonas