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Sunday Update – January 15, 2017

I really thought I was going to blog this week! But then I got caught up in finishing my revisions on THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE OPENS A TEA SHOP and took a few days off from writing, which included the blog. Sigh. Some days, though, (or some weeks) I need a break, and the blog is the easiest place to take it! The good news is that I have a blog post already written for this week and I'll be revealing the cover and blurb for the aforementioned Daydreamer book as well.

This week was filled with hectic running around, freezing temperatures, and long walks where I could get them in. I did plenty of normal every day things like grocery shopping, going to my chiropractor, shuttling the kids around. My oldest had an upset stomach all of Wednesday which meant that we didn't go to tennis that day. The next day, the youngest had the same bug. Neither were really sick. Just full of complaints. Then yesterday we were supposed to go out to a fancy dinner to celebrate my upcoming birthday but my youngest had a fever and was feeling miserable, so we canceled and moved the dinner to later in the month. Never a dull moment around here!

The state of writing is pretty good. My next Daydreamer book is with readers right now. The Hikoboshi scifi is sitting and percolating. All of which leaves me to write something new! Now I've had an idea for another scifi series I want to write for a pen name, but I think it fits really well with my regular brand, so I'm going to write it and see where it takes me. I may just end up publishing it under my regular name. I'm going to write a lead-in story to the series first. Get a feel for the characters and their universe and then let it inspire me to write the novels. After I write this lead-in story, I'll come back to my Hikoboshi series and Daydreamer books since I don't plan on doing anything with the other series until fall at least.

I also bought Vellum this week and have been reformatting my books using it. SO MUCH EASIER. Gah. I wish I had bought it sooner, but it was expensive and I knew I didn't have the money last year. I waited until this year to put it on my expenses. All of my books will be reformatted with it, Nogiku books first, then Daydreamer, then I'll move onto the rest.

What else happened this week?

I made ramen one day this week and broke out some of the new fish cake logs from Mitsuwa. I didn't realize I had purchased sakura shaped ones!

I got some good walking in this week! The nice thing about the walking is that I love it so much I don't mind doing it. Then I end up burning all these calories I don't normally burn, but I'm eating the same, so I'm already seeing changes in my body from all the walking. :heart:

And then there were some cocktails this week with sumo wrestling too! There's a tournament going on in Tokyo right now and my husband and I are watching the highlights every day. Love me some sumo!

That's about it! A fairly easy week and now that I'm done with this post, I'm going to schedule my posts for the rest of this week so I don't forget! See you later!

ETA: I totally wrote 2016 on last week's post and NO ONE NOTICED! Lol. We're all stuck in a time warp. I went back and changed it but the URL will stay the same.

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11 thoughts on “Sunday Update – January 15, 2017”

    1. HA! Right? I feel like I can see both sides now that I’ve done both Scrivener and Vellum formatting. Vellum is definitely much easier but I’m glad I saved my money the last three years and waited to put it onto this year’s tax write-offs! :)

  1. I am so excited for the next daydreamer book! Sounds like you did have a busy week with everything you did. Sorry to hear your kids weren’t feeling well.

    Oh and another idea for a sci-fi story? That’s exciting! I hope it works out.

    Sounds like Vellum was a good investment! I’ve heard other author mention it a few times.

    Those fish cakes look so nice. I don ‘t think I ever had fish cakes, so I have no clue how they taste and if I like them, but they do look pretty.

    I already wrote 2016 a few times in things as well, but managed to catch them in time. It’s always confusing at the start of a new year. I hope you’ll have a great week!

    1. I’m now revitalized to write even MORE in the Daydreamer series! Editing the book and knowing I can dictate now has really made me excited to write even more in that world. I’m aiming for 7 books and I think I’ll be able to get there. :)

      Yes, another scifi series! This one I really want to try out in Kindle Unlimited, if KU is still kicking butt when I get around to it. You know how I wrote the Nogiku Series where ships from all the different countries left to colonize the stars? I want to write about another one those. I have a great idea for it too! I’m excited just to be creative again.

      I need to keep saying 2017 over and over. 2017 2017 2017. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, STEPHANIE! Lol.

      1. 7 books! I am so happy to hear you’re planning so much books in the Daydreamer series. I really enjoy this series so far, so I am excited to see where you take it next.

        Oh that sounds fun to base a series around another one of those ships.

  2. I don’t even pay attention to the dates in people’s posts. I wouldn’t be surprised if I wrote 2016 in one of mine too lol. And ooh pretty ducks! The last time I saw ducks was probably in the supermarket parking lot where a family of them used to live. Or I still remember this one day years ago at gym when it rained so hard that a lake formed in the parking lot and ducks randomly showed up lol.

    You may not have done much blogging, but it sounds like you were still productive! It seems like you’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, that’s great. And your fish cake log? (idk what that is) is so pretty. Have a great week!

  3. I hadn’t heard of Vellum. Formatting is one area of self-publishing (but certainly not the ONLY area) that I don’t know a lot about. I really want to learn more. It’s good to know what tools are out there and what works best!

    1. I really love Vellum so far! I’ve re-formatted the entire Nogiku Series, including the Guidebook, and all the Miso Cozy Mysteries. Next week, I’ll tackle Face Time and Summer Haikus. It’s easy to use and produces beautiful books. I’m sold!

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S. J. Pajonas