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Sunday Update – October 9, 2016

Each week seems to speed on by! This past week was very much a blur like all the others.

My kids had Monday off again, this time for Rosh Hashanah. Though we are not Jewish, we get all the Jewish holidays off. So we hung out at home for the morning and then went grocery shopping together. It was a nice day so we tried to spend time outside as much as possible.

Tuesday was back to the usual grind. I posted my blog post on Five Reasons I Give Up On A Book, which seems to have done well in the social media sphere. We went to get our CSA vegetable share after school and then my oldest learned about CPR at one of her Girl Scout meetings.

Wednesday, I had my chiropractor appointment and in the afternoon, my kids had tennis lessons for the first time since the spring.

Thursday was one of THOSE DAYS. I tried going to the gym but I forgot my headphones to listen to my own stuff! I absolutely HATE the music at the gym, so I was not going to stay there if I didn't have headphones. So I ran errands instead and came home to walk in the park. It was too beautiful outside not to! Then I hosted a playdate in the afternoon. I also started making my own moisturizers! I want to stop depending on store-bought beauty products where I don't understand the ingredients that go into them. So I'm making some of my own. I made a night and a day cream. The night cream turned out nice. The day one did not. I made a different one last night that should be better.

On Friday, I did go to the gym where I lifted weights and then ran errands. We relaxed in the afternoon and I made a mock-chicken and dumplings soup for dinner. YUM!

Yesterday (Saturday), we went into the city to have Indian food with old friends. It was nice to see them and also spend some time in Manhattan which I don't get to do very often. The kids had fun too.

Today, it's raining as we're catching the tail end of Hurricane Matthew. My parents stuck out the hurricane in South Carolina. They had a bit of flooding and the rain and wind were intense! They also lost power for about two days. But now the power is back on and their street is dry. So that's good news!

In writing and publishing news, I plotted out what I want to happen in the next few chapters of Daydreamer 3 and wrote a little of that. Then I worked on my last Kami No Sekai short story and got it ready for publication. You'll hear more about that this week, but I also sent it out to my Advanced Team and they have it now. I've been updating pages on my website and getting ready for the launch of something exclusive to my mailing list. I have a long to-do list I need to accomplish in the next few days and then I'll be free of obligations for a little while, besides writing.

What else happened this week?



Some nights (and days) call for a stiff drink. Cheers!



My park was just beautiful for walks this week! I loved the fresh air and all the GREEN. I will be sad when it's all gone.


While the girls played tennis, I got work done. The tennis club has wifi, so I was all set.


Our trip into Manhattan included stopping by my husband's old apartment building. He used to live on 29th Street between Park and Madison for about 10 years. It was a tiny one-bedroom place, infested with mice and had a kitchen the size of a broom closet for $750 per month. Many of you will know that that's a STEAL in Manhattan. Ah, those were the days. It looks like the building's been sold and I bet they knock it down and put a monstrosity in its place. Such is life in the Big Shitty.



Our tour of Manhattan continued with walking around the neighborhood, seeing the Flatiron Building, going to the LEGO store, and then spotting a Ghostbuster on the street.


This is me and Jackie! We're friends through our husbands but I literally had not seen her in the flesh in about 8 years, maybe more. Thank goodness for social media! She and her family were in town for NY Comic Con, and we met up for Indian food. It was a lot of fun and good to see them again!

This week on the blog: a bookish post, news about my new short story and newsletter exclusive ebook, and another post about my trip to Japan!

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4 thoughts on “Sunday Update – October 9, 2016”

  1. I enjoyed your post about five reasons you give up on a book. It’s always interesting to hear why others DNF a book and see what we have in common in that regard.

    That sounds interesting you’re making your own beauty creams, I hope the new days one is better.

    Sounds like you had a fun trip to the city visiting with your friends and having good food. I am glad to hear your parents survived the storm. i saw some about it on social media and it looked quite nasty.

    I hope I can read Secret Keeping Sakura soon, I am looking forward to reading it as it sounds like it will be a fun one. Although it probably has to wait till after my upcoming beta read for another author.

    That flatiron building looks so funky! What’s inside of it? Stores or apartments? The rooms must be a weird size inside.

    I hope you’ll have a great and productive week!

    1. I think the new day cream will work out fine. It seems to be holding up after a day or two in the container, whereas the old one separated and became gross pretty quickly.

      The Flatiron Building is all office space and I’ve never been inside! I do wonder what the rooms look like in there. I used to work down the street from it in the early 2000s, which is a long time ago by city standards. Everything around there is different now. Kinda crazy.

      I hope you enjoy SKS! It’s maybe not so fun as it is thought-provoking. At least that’s the feedback I’ve gotten on it so far! :)

  2. Sounds like you had a great week! Or at least a busy one. I’m glad your parents are ok and that you’re not getting too much bad weather.

    I’m a little curious what went so wrong with the day cream lol. And how funny that you saw a Ghostbuster :-P Have a great week!

    1. The day cream separated and got all gross. Lol. It probably was fine, but I also realized pretty quickly that I didn’t like the smell of cocoa butter on my face. So it was a fail all around. I cooked up something different On Saturday and I think it’ll work just fine.

      It was Comic Con so I expected to see someone in cosplay gear! Didn’t expect a Ghostbuster, though!

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S. J. Pajonas