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Sunday Update – September 25, 2016

It was a busy day today and I almost forgot to update! Let's look back at this week and see what I did. Monday was busy with school and piano lessons for my kids so I don't even remember what happened there. Tuesday, I was interviewed for an upcoming podcast, we picked up our CSA veggies and then hung out at home, working on homework until I went to Back to School night at the school. I got to meet the new teachers for my kids, see their classrooms and understand what this year holds for them.

On Wednesday, our home fire alarm went off unexpectedly though there was no fire in the house. And I couldn't turn it off. So the alarm is blaring and the police are driving up to the house, and then the fire trucks show up, all when we were getting ready to go to school. I was crying tears of frustration and anger, and I'm pretty sure I swore in front of my kids several times. Not my best moment. It took me forever to get through to the alarm company because they wouldn't put me through to a real person right away. I was not happy and the only whole incident ruined my day.

Thursday, I put everything on hold so the alarm company could come out and install all new smoke detectors. That also ruined most of my day because I had to wait around for them. Then we had a Girl Scout meeting in the evening.

Friday, I got my hair cut in the morning then went to Panera to hang out with my friend and fellow writer Amy. I then took it easy in the evening.

Yesterday and today, I took walks in the park but I didn't do much writing, which I'm disappointed about. Instead I worked on stuff around the house, like cleaning out my kids' rooms and dressers. I got a somewhat shitty email from a reader which brought me down and I didn't write, then I went out to dinner with my husband to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Today, I continued with the cleaning and took a nap because I didn't sleep well last night. I wanted to write again, but it just didn't happen and I'm still feeling down. It's been such a tough year, and each time I climb up, I get knocked down again. This week knocked me down, so I hope to climb up next week.

What else happened this week?


Monday was my 12 year wedding anniversary so I made a vegan feast for dinner and we had champagne! It was awesome.


I loved this photo at Back To School Night. My youngest drew this and that's my oldest knocked over in the ocean. Lol.


I got my flu shot!


I tried to enjoy the nice weather outside while it was here! Now comes the cold, which I hate. :(




Saturday night dinner out included fancy drinks and all-you-can-eat lobster buffet! We were stuffed by the time we left.

I hope to have another Japan post on the blog this week! And blogging will continue to slow down to one post per week as I come into writing season. But considering how little traffic I get here, I'm sure it'll be fine. :) See you all soon!

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6 thoughts on “Sunday Update – September 25, 2016”

  1. Sounds like you had a busy week! That sounds like a bad way to start the day with a fire alarm going off. I hate waiting around for people, it always ruins the whole day. We had someone stopping by this week to change the electricity measurer (is that even the right word? google translate isn’t helping me today) and he was actually early, which was nice. Although he did need the electricity so I couldn’t work for the whole hour.

    Too bad you didn’t get any writing done this week, but at least you got some other stuff done instead. And a walk can really help to clear your head at times, we took a walk yesterday and it was nice.

    I hope you feel better this week and I am sorry to hear about the feeling down. I know the struggle, I have something similar with my company. Some weeks are great and other weeks things get me down and I start worrying. I hope next week is a better one for you!

    Congrats again on your wedding anniversary, looks like you had a nice meal to celebrate. I am ready for fall to get here, I’ve had enough of the warmth, but once it’s winter I’ll have enough of the cold again. I like that the seasons change so we get something new when I have had enough of the current weather.

    I hope you’ll have a great week!

    1. I hate waiting on people too! Especially when they give you a six-hour window of when they’ll show up and you wait around for hours for them. So annoying. This guy showed up relatively early in the window, so that was nice. But still I had to cancel my plans for the morning to wait at home. And we call those “meters,” so a “meter that measures electricity” or electricity meter. :)

      I’m hoping this week turns out better too. I have a lot going on but I think it’ll be good!

      1. The longer the time window, the worse it is to wait for people. But even with a small time window, you still have to change up your plans and wait for them. It’s annoying.

        They are called meters here too, ugh sometimes I am just thinking way too complicated. And what’s the place/ room called were you keep the meters?

      2. Sorry about the smoke detector incident :-/ That does sound frustrating, especially with the cops and fire dept. showing up and everything. And sorry about the email.

        But congrats on your anniversary! The food you cooked looks delicious, as does the buffet :-)

        The drawing of your kids at the ocean is too funny lol. It reminds me of this one time I went to the beach with my cousins, and afterward I was looking through the photos, and in one of them both me and my cousin are in the water, and I’m, like, pushing down on his shoulders to push myself up, and then in the next picture he’s just gone, and I’m giving the thumbs up, and it looked like I drowned him lol.

        Anyway, good luck with the upcoming writing, and have a great week :-)

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      S. J. Pajonas