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Where I Write – A Look At My Workspaces

I thought I'd share something about my writing life today. I've always had laptops, ever since I used my good ol' second generation iMac to death. Now, I'm an Apple girl with all the iDevices, mainly because I grew up with Apple computers, from the Apple IIe to a Performa 450 with a 800 baud modem in high school. I briefly had a dalliance with a PC in college but got dumped it as soon as the iMac came out. I've gone through several Powerbooks and MacBooks, and now I have a MacBook Air. Having a portable computer is really important to me. We have a small house, a ranch, only one floor (I like it that way) but this means I do not have a writing space of my own. With two kids and a husband that works from home on occasion, I have to be flexible, so I've become a writing nomad. I take my computer wherever I can to get the words in.


The main place I write is at the dining room table. I keep it as clean as I can, which is much cleaner during the summer than during the school year, and start every day in this spot.


In the evenings, I move to the couch and write or work here. It's a comfortable couch and I always sit in the same spot.


On the weekends when the house is full, I often write in my bedroom on the bed. This is not as comfortable as the couch, but it does the trick! Especially since I can lock the door. ;)


When the weather is nice and the bugs aren't biting, I like to write outside on the deck, either at the table, or I'll bring out one of our zero gravity chairs and write in that.


This is a new spot for me to write at! The kitchen was just renovated in April and May, and now we have this awesome island I can sit at and write. If I'm feeling inspired, I'll write while making dinner, in between tasks.


But this is where I get in most of my words lately, at the treadmill desk. I will usually write and walk, getting in some exercise while working is the best! I feel very focused when I'm at the treadmill desk and I can usually get a lot of words in.

Not only do I write at home, though, I write while out and about too! I write at Panera, tennis lessons, in the car, at the pool, at the play center for the kids, at the YMCA, at Starbucks… Really, I will write anywhere, which I feel is so important for my productivity. People ask me how I can write 3-4 books per year, and this is how. I will write anywhere, in just about any conditions. I also write on my iPhone, iPad, and AlphaSmart. Whatever it takes to get the words in.


I love the flexibility my laptop and mobile devices give me to get things done on the go. In the beginning, when I first started writing full-time, I only ever wrote in one spot. Once I started moving around and leaving the house to get things done, I figured out I could write anywhere! It's a lot of fun to take my writing wherever I go. :)

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10 thoughts on “Where I Write – A Look At My Workspaces”

  1. Enjoyed the photos. One of the benefits of being a writer is that you can literally work anywhere. It’s the most portable job in the world.

    That said, I love having my own private office space. I used to share an office AND a computer (the horror!) with my husband. But now I have my own office and my own computer.

    1. I would definitely rather have an office space, a set place for me to go where I can have a mood board on the wall and all my stuff in one place. BUT I’m also glad to have this flexibility. Either way, I would NOT want a desktop computer. Only laptops for me.

  2. I can’t believe how clean/organized your dining room table workspace is. My desk (where I rarely write) is so cluttered. You are so disciplined to be able to write anywhere. Best wishes.

    1. I start to get anxious when the house is a mess, like I can’t work or sometimes even form coherent sentences. Messy house, messy mind. So yeah, I keep it as clean as I can. :)

  3. Loved seeing all the pictures of your writing spots! It sure looks handy how you can write everywhere, even in the new kitchen! It really gives you a lot of flexibility. Oh and I like your laptop cover, it looks so colorful! And that totoro pillow in your bedroom is adorable!

    I have a normal computer, so I always work on the same spot. And I wouldn’t change it as laptops aren’t for me and I prefer my routine and having everything on the same spot on my desk when I work.

    I also have my own spot on the couch, I always sit there when I sit on the couch, lol.

    1. Thanks so much! I enjoyed going around and taking photos of all my usual writing spots. I think, because I’ve had a laptop for so long, that it’s “normal” for me, and it’s my routine, much like your desktop is for you. I love the fact that computers come in all shapes and sizes now, so you can get what you need for yourself and whatever you work on.

      It always feels weird if I have to sit in a different spot on the couch. Lol. IT’S MY SPOT!!

  4. Wow, you really are a writing nomad! But that’s awesome that you’re able to focus and stay productive no matter where you are. I agree with Diane that that takes discipline. I don’t think I could do that. I especially don’t think I could actually do creative writing while walking. I’m not sure I could do anything that takes focus while walking, actually lol.

    Love all these pictures! I love seeing all the different backgrounds, the different places you’ve written, with the computer in the foreground :-D

    1. I’m so surprised how many people think they can’t do anything while walking. What’s interesting is that I kind of disconnect from my legs while working. I barely notice that I’m walking while writing, and it actually helps me focus on just the writing. I do less surfing while working on the treadmill. It has changed my life! I get exercise every day now!

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S. J. Pajonas