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August 2016 Goals

Hi everyone! I'm back with a new month's worth of goals. We're past the mid-year mark, and summer is slipping away. Let's take a look at July's goals and then set some for August.

What Happened With July's Goals?

I launched THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE BRAVES THE WINTER and participated in the blog tour. That all went really well and it was my most successful book launch ever!

Did the SFRB Blog Hop and kept the blog running. Both of these were strong this month.

Did NOT work on my non-fiction book. This was a big fail and I think I'm just not that interested in the material enough to write it. I write a lot of non-fiction as it is for this blog, so I don't feel like writing any more.

Did NOT write the next article for my friend. I should have done this but I got side-tracked.

I DID make some headway with Facebook ads. I spent twice my budget figuring out Facebook ads but I think I have a system now that appears to be working. I'll be testing it this month and the next so we'll see! I'm also doing Google Adwords ads as well and those are working.

I kept up with the exercising and reading, and I did a little knitting. Not bad on all those fronts!

Business Goals For August

Finish the next Daydreamer Book. I didn't work on the non-fiction during July because I am writing the next Daydreamer book instead! I would love to finish it before the end of the month.

Travel to Japan. I'll be in Japan from August 19-28. I can't wait to see sights, eat food, and drink lots of Japanese beer. :) I also plan to take lots of photos and videos, of course.

Continue working on my Facebook ads. I doubled my mailing list this month thanks to some Google ads and to Instafreebie. I will continue to work on my FB ad strategy this month!

Personal Goals For August

Keep up with the exercise. I'm doing great so let's keep it up. Runkeeper says I walked 59.7 miles in July. Let's make it 70 miles in August! I hope to keep track of my walking distance in Japan too, but we'll see.

Keep reading. I have a few books I want to read this month!

Knit. I would like to finish this shawl by the end of the month. I should push to do it!

Okay! That's it! The kids are in camp every day, and each day it's nice, we're at the pool. I was overall very positive in July and I'd love for that to keep going in August! Let's do this!

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6 thoughts on “August 2016 Goals”

  1. You did pretty well with your July goals except for the non-fiction writing and the article, but I do think it makes sense you have less enthusiasm for those as you’re already writing non-fiction for your blog as well. And yay I am so happy the second daydreamer detective book had such a good launch. I hope this series continues to do well for you!

    Those facebook ads sure sound confusing, I haven’t given them a try yet as I don’t want to spend too much time and money figuring out how/ if to make them work for me. Maybe later once. But it does seem like they can be quite effective once you figure out how to set them up :)

    Good luck with your august goals! I am excited to hear about your progress on the third daydreamer book as I am already looking forward to reading it :)

    1. I think I’ll turn around and put the non-fiction on my blog, where it will give me organic traffic. I think that’s best, especially since I like to give away information for free on my blog, when it can help others.

      THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE BRAVES THE WINTER was my successful book launch to date, just above RECLAIMED. Which gives me hope that I can continue to write and publish into next year. Up until July, my year had been very dry, so I’m glad I can report this good news!

      The next Daydreamer book is coming along! It’s a complicated book so I hope it comes out okay.

  2. Yay, I’m glad your Daydreamer Detective book launch went really well! And that’s great that you may have figured out the FB ad thing and that the Google AdWords are working well so far. I didn’t even know you were writing a non-fiction book though? But hey, at least you’ve been working on another book, so it’s not like you’ve been unproductive :-)

    Good luck with your goals in August!

    1. I had wanted to write a non-fiction book for a long time because I know it’s something that brings in good revenue for authors. But I realized during the process, it’s just not as fun for me, and I’d rather just put those efforts into my blog. So I’ll take what I did and make it a blog series.

      I’m glad I made some headway on the FB ads thing too! I had to bang my head against the wall and spend twice my budget, but I think I have a good strategy now under my original budget.

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S. J. Pajonas