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Say Anything Saturday – Reading Outside

Possibly one of my favorite things about the summer is the ability to read outside. Even though I have horrible allergies, and often go to bed at night with red, itchy eyes and a stuffy nose, I still take the time to read outside if I can. I've found that my kids are more likely to play outside if I'm out there, too, so it gives them a reason to enjoy our backyard, the swing set, and the sandbox.


Listening to music, eating, and reading outside (I was reading on my phone, Lol.)


I read both out in front of my house and in back. All depends on where the activity in my house is on that particular day.


The pool is one of my favorite places to read outside, and hopefully I'll be there a lot this summer, both reading AND writing.

I think my love of reading outdoors stems from my parents who always loved to read at the beach or in the yard or the summer porch when I was growing up. When I was in high school and I no longer had to go to camp every day, I would spend my entire summer reading. I would get tons of books from the library and lay on a towel outside and just read for hours. I'm hoping my kids are the same way once they get older. Right now, they're both not into reading, but I'm pushing for a big change with that this summer.

Happy summer everyone!

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2 thoughts on “Say Anything Saturday – Reading Outside”

  1. I used to read outside when growing up. If my mom read a book, she usually did so during the summer when she could sit in the garden. We had a garden in our previous house and I remember summer vacations where my sister and I spent almost the whole day outside reading or playing games on our game boys.

    Nowadays I mostly read during very specific times, during breakfast and late in the evening before going to sleep and I usually read inside. I do like reading outside, but rarely read there anymore. And the insects can be annoying in the summer.

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S. J. Pajonas