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Sunday Update – June 12, 2016

Where did this week go? I feel like it flew by in a blur. Monday, the cleaning ladies came and I left the house to go for a walk while they were here. Tuesday, we got our first batch of veggies from our CSA share. Yay! New veggies and salads for June! On Wednesday, I went to the school library to help them inventory books. The school's library is being renovated this summer and all the books need to be out. Then I hit the gym, too. Thursday, I spent most of my day at the treadmill desk. Friday, I walked in the park in the morning and my husband worked from home.

All through the week, I've been working on listening to all my Nogiku books and correcting typos, wrong words or missing words before the big cover reveal next week! I figured it would be good to go back and give the series a fresher-upper before the big reveal. I'm glad I've done it. I've caught a bunch of typos and wrong words (envelop vs envelope!) and it's inspiring me to get back on the writing horse. I've got all the covers now and my Sunday night tonight will be devoted to getting them all saved out and sending a package of them over to Lola for the cover reveal.

I also uploaded the final version of THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE BRAVES THE WINTER to all vendors and got the paperback all ready to go. I'm just waiting on the proof from Createspace, which will hopefully come this week. I'm also working on a 30-second FB ad video for the Nogiku Series that I'll start once the new covers go live. Busy busy busy. I wish I were writing though. It's been a long time since I wrote something new and all this other stuff is getting in the way.

What else happened this week?


Deer come to our yard often but this one was really close to the house!


I made pancakes for the whole family last Sunday!


The goslings are getting bigger.


I love my new white sunglasses!


And drinks outside when it's nice are fabulous.

Coming up this week on the blog: a new teaser for THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE BRAVES THE WINTER, a Top 10 post on Thursday, and a new How Not To Give A F*ck on Friday.

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15 thoughts on “Sunday Update – June 12, 2016”

  1. Sounds like a busy week. That’s great you managed to listen to all the Nogiku books and correct some errors before the new cover reveal. I’ll keep an eye out for your e-mail with the covers tomorrow, so I can finish up the media kit for the reveal.

    I hope you have time to write something new soon! I know all the other work is necessary too, but I can imagine you miss the writing.

    Oh those pancakes you made look yummy! I am looking forward to the next daydreamer detective braves the winter teaser. I hope you’ll have a great week!

    1. I really need to write. I have the itch! :) And yeah, I’m catching tons of errors in all the Nogiku books. Listening to the computer read them to me has been really helpful. I don’t think I have to do Revealed. Revealed was the first book I ever listened to, so I just have Reclaimed left and I’m done and ready to compile with the new covers!

      1. Wow, sounds like you were super productive! And that’s so awesome that you have all these animals around your house. I would probably be outside trying to make myself into a Disney princess by befriending them lol. And that pancake looks delicious! Have a great week :-)

      2. Sounds like a very productive week, SJ! It’s so hard to catch your own typos, don’t you think? I am not a writer, but I have papers for Uni, and I actually need to print them out and wait a few days to make sure I catch as many as possible.
        Have a wonderful week :)

        1. I’ve read these books a hundred times, on my screen, on my Kindle, in paperback, and they’ve been proofread a billion times too. Yet, listening to them, I caught even more typos, because the computer skips over nothing! It’s awesome. I feel confident I’ve caught them all now.

      3. Okay, weird question – if I catch a typo in one of your books, would you want me to tell you about it? What if it’s an ARC? I catch them sometimes, but I always wonder if it’s obnoxious to send you an email with typos, especially with an ARC because I don’t know what stage of editing those are at. (By the way, I’m fairly certain it would be annoying for authors I don’t know well – you would be an exception).

        1. Hmmm, tough one. My ARCs are usually proofread after I send them out. Like Daydreamer 2, my proofreader caught a few: discreet vs discrete, some wrong verb forms, etc. If you want to send me them in the future, you’re welcome to! Or you can ignore them. I don’t pay you to do it. :) So, I don’t want you to feel obligated! Still, if it’s something you can’t help (I totally understand this), you can always feel free to email me!

          1. Since I notice them, it’s easy to mark them on my Kindle and shoot them your way – it’s not like I’m putting forth extra work or anything. I always think, “I hope they catch that!” and it pains me to let it go. LOL!

            1. Gotcha! I completely understand. Typos I’m always happy to fix at any stage. I just am unlikely to change anything developmental (unless it’s a glaring error) in the ARC or later stage. :)

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        S. J. Pajonas