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Sunday Update – June 5, 2016

Get ready for a rant! I logged into WordPress last night to work on blog posts for the week and my plugin that allows me to link to and embed Instagram photos in my posts no longer works. Sigh. Turns out Instagram changed its API on June 1 and now I'm shit out of luck. It's possible that a newer version of the plugin (I have v1.x of Media Manager Plus, WHICH I PURCHASED) will work, though I don't see anything on their website about it. Regardless, I am not paying AGAIN for this plugin, which is what the company wants me to do. They want US$45 per year for me to use it. No, just no. I'm so sick of companies trying to bleed me dry yearly for subscription model apps. Especially an app like this that hasn't improved with extra features since I bought it. I pay for Buffer but it gets better every time I use it. I pay monthly for some podcasts I love but they deliver me exclusive content for the price. I pay for a ton of things per month that I know will get better with time. But if all a company is doing is staying on top of the latest WordPress changes so their plugin continues to work, then no. I'm not paying them a subscription. Just no. I'm making sure all my phone photos end up on Amazon Cloud Drive and then I'm just uploading the ones I want to my blog. I don't make enough money to keep paying these fees monthly or yearly. Okay, I'm done ranting.

So we had a busy week here last week. Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend and we had off Friday through Monday. We enjoyed the opening of the pool, a cookout with my brother and his family, and then another trip to the pool on Monday. We didn't expect to go to the pool on Monday because it was supposed to rain all day, but we got lucky!

Tuesday was gym day for me and then I got sushi and sat outside to eat. Wednesday, I went for a walk in the morning and worked. Thursday, I worked at Panera, ate lunch outside and napped. Friday was a half school day for my kids and my youngest graduated from kindergarten!! I can't believe how big she is now. Yesterday, it was nice out! I spent time outside working and took the kids to the pool in the late afternoon. I've been reading, working, and generally been very busy. I can't wait to be done with my edits so I can start writing again. But there's so much to do, I feel like it'll all never be done.

I also suffered through a pinched nerve in my shoulder from Wednesday through Saturday. It was painful and made it hard to sleep, exercise, basically do ANYTHING. I need to do some yoga this morning and then walk later and I'm hoping I'm not in any more pain this coming week.

What else happened this week?


Reading at the pool! Summer has begun!


I love eating outside.


Made up a batch of pasta sauce!


Check out this deer who hung out in our yard all morning.


And Runkeeper has been cheering me on! I'm glad they send me emails telling me how well I'm doing. Lol. It helps keep me motivated.

Coming up this week on the blog: the first Teaser Tuesday for THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE BRAVES THE WINTER, a Book Chat, a discussion post, and the second installment of How Not To Give A F*ck About Your Book Rejections, Bad Reviews, and Disappointing Sales.

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4 thoughts on “Sunday Update – June 5, 2016”

  1. That’s a shame instagram changed their API and their plugin didn’t work anymore. I mean you pay for that plugin, then at least they should try and make a way around it and make sure it still works. I am glad you found a way around it at least. I usually prefer paying once for lifetime access or once a year than a monthly fee.

    I know how much you enjoy going to to the pool, so that’s great you had your first pool visit of the year. We had some rainy days here, but also some sunny days.

    Oh we also had pasta sauce this week, yum! I managed to make so much we ate from it for three days. And aww that deer is adorable, that’s awesome you can see deer in your yard.
    Oh and I finished reading the Daydreamer Detective Braves the Winter yesterday, really enjoyed it, now I just have to write my review. And thanks for mentioning me in the acknowledgements, it’s always a great surprise to see my name in a book! I hope you’ll have a great week!

    1. I would pay $45 once for the plugin but not $45 per year. It’s honestly not worth that. As it is, I pay for so many things monthly/yearly, companies really should think about how they can provide value to something that people pay monthly or yearly for and if they can’t always be providing value for their services, then I don’t see how they can do the subscription model. I know it’s trendy but they just lost my business, especially since I already paid for it and now it’s not working, without any prior notice.

      I’m really glad I have a chest freezer! I made that huge batch of pasta sauce and now we’ll have it for a few months. And the deer are pretty but they do bring ticks with Lyme Disease with them (and they eat EVERYTHING including our roses) so I’m not always happy to see them. Lol.

      I’m glad you enjoyed THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE BRAVES THE WINTER! I so enjoyed writing it and delving more into the town and the relationships there, plus a sweet happy ending to this book too. <3 And I'm happy to acknowledge all your help at the back of my books. Thank you so much!

  2. That sucks about that plugin. If it’s costing people money, they really need to do a better job of updating. And they really are just cheating you out of money if they’re not offering anything more since that’s not the kind of thing that seems like it should be paid for monthly. I’ve only paid for one plugin, but it was a one-time payment, and I still get updates, so it was definitely worth it.

    The pool and cookout sounds fun though! And congrats to your youngest! It sounds like you had a busy but productive week :-) Also, that’s awesome that there was just a deer hanging out in your yard!

    1. I really don’t understand why they can’t keep the plugin that I paid for running and working. If they aren’t going to add more features, fine. I get that. But it should at least WORK. Sigh.

      Yes, we had a lovely holiday weekend! It was nice to have family over and use our new kitchen. It had been a long time!

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S. J. Pajonas