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Sunday Update – May 15, 2016

May is half over! How did that happen? It was another busy week around the house and time absolutely flew. Now that I'm coming out of the funk that I was in in April, I'm beginning to feel more positive and ready to handle anything. And that includes the end of our kitchen renovation! This week the painters came in and worked on bringing color to my kitchen!





Monday I had a dentist appointment that went well. No cavities. The backsplash went up in the kitchen on Monday and Tuesday, and that was fun to watch. Every day after that was a blur. I went to the gym and exercised. I worked on editing THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE BRAVES THE WINTER every day, prepped a giveaway that starts tomorrow, and visited with my parents on Friday. I worked at my treadmill desk which was nice. Got a lot of walking in. And I published my newest short story, VIGILANTE SLIMMING SCANNER! I also participated in an Instafreebie giveaway that got me a lot of newsletter subscribers! I hope they enjoy the free books I gave them.

What else happened this week?

The backsplash has been grouted! I am in love. #dailyphoto #365days #ig2016 #kitchenremodel

Love the new backsplash!

Working while Liverpool plays in the background. #ig2016 #365days #dailyphoto #amediting

Lots of work was done in the evenings.

FaceTiming with my buddy @tracykrimmer. We were trying to fix a Scrivener issue with no luck but found a workaround. #dailyphoto #365days #ig2016

And I FaceTimed with Tracy on Friday evening as I tried to help her with a Scrivener problem.

Coming up this week: ChickLitMay Scavenger Hunt, Quotes from FACE TIME, A FACE TIME Interview, and another Asian Grocery Store review!

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1 thought on “Sunday Update – May 15, 2016”

  1. Glad to hear you’re getting out of your funk and feeling better! And wow looks like your kitchen is almost done now!

    I am looking forward to read the second Daydreamer Detective book. Not too long anymore now until it releases :). I hope I can get through the pile of review books that I have to review soon, so I get a bit more space in my reading schedule.

    That instafreebie giveaway sounds like it went well, extra newsletter subscribers are always a good thing. I hope this will be a good week for you!

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S. J. Pajonas