I have a new release! VIGILANTE SLIMMING SCANNER is now available, and I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is the fourth story in the Kami No Sekai series and I suspect there'll be two more after this before I stop writing in this world.
This is the story of Toro, who is out of shape, a bit lazy, and doesn't take care of himself, but should. He just wants a snack, some chips and something sweet, from the convenience store when suddenly the store scanners have had enough and deny him. I believe I got this idea while standing in line at the self-checkout one day, listening to the crisp voice of the terminal declaring, “1 package, Club Crackers.” Lol. But I also wanted to write about fitness, healthy eating, and exercise (all things I'm into) in a way that wasn't too preachy. Toro needs to take better care of himself for a reason and the scanners decide that being abrupt and cutting him off cold turkey is the best way to go.
Want to find out what happens next? Pick up VIGILANTE SLIMMING SCANNER today for only 99¢!
Happy release day :). This is such a fun series!
Thank you, Lola!
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