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Compiling Your Manuscript From Scrivener To Createspace Paperback

I've been going through ALL of my old blog posts and came across this one that I started in 2013. 2013, people! Man, I really dropped the ball on this one. I even had it half written up, but it was awful and discombobulated.

Here's the good news! I actually made this tutorial recently in Evernote so I'm going to copy the link to it below.

First, make sure that your manuscript is set up properly.

Second, let me tell you WHY you want to do this. Once you have it down the first time, it's easy from there on out. Save your compile settings and then use it for every book, adjusting it along the way to give you what you need. Third, it's fast and accurate. No need to copy your latest manuscript over to Word or Indesign. You're using the original file!

So, go slow the first time. This is a lot of steps, basically making two different files, your front matter and your inner book pages, and stitching them together.

PS) This tutorial is for the Mac version. If you have the PC version, you'll just have to try it and see how it works, adapting steps to get to PDF. Sorry. I haven't used a PC in almost ten years! So the onus is on you to figure it out for PC.

Get the tutorial here -> Compiling Your Manuscript From Scrivener To Createspace Paperback

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S. J. Pajonas