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Sunday Update – April 17, 2016

This was one very busy week! Which was good because it distracted me from all types of other stuff going on in the publishing world. Those are things I'll touch on in another post.

On Monday, I got all of my full-length books up for sale on Google Play. If you've been waited for me to publish there, you're in luck! All the books' pages on my website have been updated with links to Google Play. It was a lot of work, but I got it done. I like the fact that it's so hard for me to check my sales on Google Play, that I've completely forgotten about it, and not obsessed over my numbers there. Lol. I also managed to go to the gym on Monday and my house was cleaned, which is always a nice thing.

Tuesday was busy too. I walked on the treadmill, grocery shopped, ate Japanese food, and went to a conference at school for my youngest.

Wednesday, I had an appointment with my chiropractor, dropped off a check to the kitchen contractors, and worked at Panera before running more errands.

Thursday, I went to IKEA and that was pretty much my entire day. I was so beat, I had to take a nap in the afternoon.

Friday, my husband worked from home! I went for a walk, did more grocery shopping and then ran more errands.

Phew! That's a lot of stuff! Through it all, I also finished off the edits on THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE BRAVES THE WINTER! This book was much easier for me to edit. I finally have the hang of revising from present tense to past and there were fewer changes to the actual plot I wanted to make in this book. Probably because it took me forever to plot it out in the first place. Anyway, I'm glad that's done now and I've given it to two readers. I hope to hear back from them soon.

In the meantime, I've been plotting out a novella for the DAYDREAMER series to come after Book 2. I will number it Book 3 but it'll be shorter than the others. I hope to start writing it this week! It's been a while since I've written anything new and I'm looking forward to getting back to dictating this week.

What else happened this week?

The end of a #jamicure. #dailyphoto #365days #ig2016 #jamberry #jamberrynails

Took off my latest Jamberry manicure. It's so easy to remove the jams with oil and an orange stick!

Time to start thinking about paint colors for the kitchen! #dailyphoto #365days #ig2016 #kitchenremodel #renovations

I'm thinking... Teal for the kitchen. #renovations #kitchenremodel #dailyphoto #365days #ig2016

Worked on picking out paint colors for the new kitchen and den. I'm going with shades of teal!

Picking out kitchen cabinet drawer pulls. #ikea #kitchenremodel #renovations

My trip to IKEA was to pick up drawer pulls for the new kitchen.

If I don't dye my hair, I'm now about 80% gray. It's a monthly battle to keep it at bay. #dailyphoto #365days #ig2016

And man, I am battling my gray hairs! I need to re-dye my hair but I'm almost 80% gray now if I don't. Sigh.

Coming up this week: More about the Kindle Unlimited Scamming and what I have to do personally to sell my books, a blog post from THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE blog tour, and another excerpt from THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE!

3 thoughts on “Sunday Update – April 17, 2016”

  1. Busy weeks can be nice, they definitely leave less time to worry about things. Yay for finishing the edits on the second daydreamer book and that the edits were easier. I can’t wait to read it!

    Teal for the Kitchen, that sounds like a lovely colour! I am curious to see how your kitchen will look after the renovation. I hope you’ll have a great week!

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S. J. Pajonas