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Teaser Tuesday: Contradictory Nature

In THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE, Mei is going through some big life changes. She's 26 and fired from her third job in five years. She doesn't know what she wants to do or where she wants to be, and she feels like a huge failure. I remember being 26 and getting laid off from my job, only having enough in my bank account to make it through one more month in New York City. I was scared and I wasn't sure if I had the skills to get a new job and make a go of my life there. I had been dating my husband (then boyfriend) for a year and I worried that I would have to move back home to Michigan and leave him. Luckily, it didn't turn out that way, but it was a close call. But having to move back home is still a recurring nightmare for me, believe it or not!

I'm sure Mei will feel the same about her life when she's ten years into her future, but in this book, she's struggling with her failure right before us, and one of her biggest failures was painting. She loved painting but everyone told her she sucked at it so she gave it up. Now that she's home, she's thinking about picking it back up again, even with all the criticism in her head. She's a very contradictory person, sometimes flip-flopping on an issue several times before settling into a groove. When she stands in front of the canvas, her desires are the opposite of everything she's ever lived for. But at least she can acknowledge that! :)


THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE is now available for pre-order. This cozy mystery series set in Japan will delight and entertain you, for sure!



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4 thoughts on “Teaser Tuesday: Contradictory Nature”

  1. I love this teaser! Both the quote used and the picture, I like how you can see the texture of the painting.
    I enjoyed reading about Mei and her life changes and indeed I hope that at the end of the series she looks back at this time and how much has changed since then.
    And I can understand why moving back home is a recurring nightmare for you. I love my mom, but I can’t imagine actually living in the same house as her again.

    1. I love my parents and I could see living close to them again, but yeah, not in the same house or anything. In my dreams, when I’m forced to go back home, I’m in my twenties again and everything is falling apart around me. *shudder* It’s a true nightmare.

      Yes, it’s my hope to build her up through the length of the series so that she can look back and see how far she’s come. She will still stumble and fall often (heck, I do and I’m in my forties now!) but the object is to keep her growing and changing. That’s my hope for the series!

  2. At one point after college, my husband (then boyfriend) wanted me to move back home to save money. Um, no way! That thought brought me more stress than I can ever tell you! I’m looking forward to reading your book – you’re one of the only authors who could get me to pick up a cozy mystery! :-)

    1. The very thought of having to move back home or back to Michigan makes me hyperventilate. Lol. I still have nightmares that this is what I’m forced to do with my life!

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S. J. Pajonas