Teaser Tuesday: An Excerpt from THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE
For this #TeaserTuesday, here’s an excerpt from THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE! DAYDREAMER will be available on Thursday, March 31!
For this #TeaserTuesday, here’s an excerpt from THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE! DAYDREAMER will be available on Thursday, March 31!
All the things that happened in the week ending March 27, 2016.
This #TeaserTuesday Mei comes back to her painting.
This Sunday Update is delayed!
A post in which I come clean about my failures for the past few months, leave Kindle Unlimited, and adjust my publishing schedule to compensate for prior losses.
This #TeaserTuesday Mei is starting over from scratch.
All the things that happened in the week ending Sunday, March 13, 2016.
This #TeaserTuesday shows off Mei’s contradictory nature.