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Sunday Update – December 20, 2015

We had a super busy week around here, and boy was I grateful to make it to the weekend, even if it meant that everyone here has been sick or is sick but me. I need a bubble to live in! Both kids are sick with something this weekend and we're not doing much of anything. I'm pretty sure neither of them are going to school tomorrow either. Sigh.

My husband was home most of the week sick, and so I tried to get in work and errands whenever I could. Every day was filled with tasks and flew by. I took my car into the dealer to be fixed on Wednesday. Yes, this is the same car that was in the body shop for two weeks in November. We had the car back for a week when we went to Long Island to visit family. On the way home, via the Cross Bronx Expressway, we hit a pothole so hard it broke the car in many places. Ugh. I hate the state of our road in the US. They're awful. So now I have a loaner from the dealer and am waiting for my car to be fixed. Again.

I worked on Book 2 of my cozy mystery series and was having a hard time with it. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it and was floundering. I met up with my friend, Amy, on Thursday and we were brainstorming on what I could do differently. I went to the bathroom and while I was in there, I thought I was missing a character. I came back to the table, told Amy, and we figured out my plot hole! So then I spent two days going through the book, adding in the missing character, and re-reading. I'm now ready today to revise my outline and start writing again. Phew! That was a tough one.

I also got the final new cover for SUMMER HAIKUS this morning and hired the same designer to redo FACE TIME‘s cover in February. I'm looking forward to using these new covers way into 2016!

What else happened this week?

The new obsession around the house. #clementine #clementine #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days

We've been eating tons of clementines around here! They're so sweet and tasty.

The tree is up and it's the perfect object for days when I've forgotten to take a photo. #365days #ig2015 #dailyphoto #christmastree

Our Christmas tree is up and decorated. I love seeing all of our ornaments every day (though I miss having a clutter-free space.)

This was the only photo I took today. I spent an hour on the treadmill dictating over 1400 words. I want to do that more often. Dictation is saving my fingers. #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days #amwriting #dictation #treadmill #treadmilldesk

And since everyone has been home, that's meant that I need to get in exercise any way that I can. I spent an hour dictating and walking on the treadmill on Wednesday. That was nice.

Now I just need to get through the rest of this Sunday with all these sick people. I'm definitely going to make it outside for a walk later. Hoping the fresh air will keep me from getting sick!

Have a great week everyone!

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4 thoughts on “Sunday Update – December 20, 2015”

  1. Whew what a busy week you’ve had with everyone being sick and your car going to the garage again. That’s pretty bad how a pothole in the road can damage your car so badly.

    That’s great braisntorming with Amy helped you fix your plot hole and you ended up adding another character.

    I just finished another 3 star cozy mystery. I really want to find a 5 star book in this genre soon.

    I am looking forward to see the new cover for Summer haikus :). And yay for having the christmas tree up and decorated! I hope you have a great week and don’t get sick!

    1. I hope I don’t get sick either! I really want to be well over the holidays. I’m glad you like the new SH cover! I’ve been worried about the change but I think the cover still does well for the story.

      I can’t wait for you to read the cozy mystery! I think you’ll be pleased. It’s a lot like my other books in that I build up the personal story, the romance, and there’s a mystery in each book.

  2. “All these sick people.” LOL. I love it :) I really hope you don’t get sick either.

    I am excited for your cover change — and I’m anxious to work with the same designer!

    1. I have told all the sick people they aren’t allowed to come near me. When I get sick, it’s awful and requires antibiotics, so I’m trying to avoid that as much as I can!

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S. J. Pajonas