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Sunday Update – October 25, 2015

What another crazy busy week around here! I'm not sure why October blew up on me, but it did. Between my daughter breaking her arm and renovating our bathroom plus the usual life events, this month has been the month that just won't quit.

This past week was a roller coaster of craziness. On Monday, I dropped off my car to be repaired from the freak accident I was in in August, but the drop off and pick up of a rental car took HOURS and before I knew it, my day was over. On Tuesday, I volunteered in the library at my kids' school (I'm doing so again this coming Tuesday) and on Wednesday, I went for a walk around the park. It was a busy week!

Thursday, I worked on my new book but I immediately got cold feet 2000 words into the story. I don't like writing in past tense and I feel like it loses a lot of my authorial voice. I started to panic after struggling through the 2000 words and not knowing what to do next. Really, it feels like FOREVER since I wrote something new that I love. I despaired for a bit and came to the conclusion on Friday that I'll write this book in present tense and revise it to past tense in the first edit pass. I would much rather revise later than be stuck on the first draft, so I'm good with this decision. I'll continue on writing later today. It was making it hard to dictate because I would pause in the middle of a sentence, realizing I dictated everything in present tense, then I would try to correct it, and get frustrated.

I also put REVEALED up for pre-order this week but then there was a bug with Amazon not listing it for sale in the Dot Com store. I had to wrangle with them to get it fixed and then delayed sending out my newsletter and posting about it on FB and the blog. Ugh. What a week.

What else happened this week?

Volunteered for a shift at the elementary school library. I reshelved books and helped kids pick out something to read. #ig2015 #365days #dailyphoto #bookstagram

My time at the school library was fun. I enjoyed restocking the books.

Pretty leaves, blue sky, and sunshine. #autumn #ig2015 #365days #dailyphoto

The leaves are getting pretty and they're ending up EVERYWHERE.

My new mug. Love it. #dailyphoto #365days #ig2015

I got myself a new mug that I adore, of course. I love foxes!

A twice yearly event: repairing of the black sweaters. #sewing #sewingmachine

During the winter I wear a cardigan almost every day. I'm just too cold not to! So I have 4 or 5 black cardigans and 3 of them had holes in them that needed repairing. I broke out my sewing machine and got to fixing them! Now I should be good to go for a few months.

I'm not sure what I'll be posting on the blog this week. I have another busy week ahead of dentist appointments, getting my car from the auto body shop, grocery shopping, and library volunteering. I also hope to write! I may do a Book Chat and another Random Thoughts post. We'll see!

2 thoughts on “Sunday Update – October 25, 2015”

  1. That’s annoying when a small event as brigning your car to the garage takes up the most of your day. That sounds fun you volunteered at the library, every day surrounded by books is a good one.

    I am sorry to hear you got stuck with the new books, sounds like writing the first draft in your prefered style is a good diea, you cna always change it later.

    I am hoping to read Revealed soon! I am sorry amazon always gives you trouble with your books.

    Your fox mug is adorable! I also have a dentist appointment next week and I am not looking forward to it, I hate going to the dentist.

    1. I double-checked my calendar after writing this post and it turns out my dentist appointment is not tomorrow but the next Monday! So glad I rechecked. Instead I will exercise and go grocery shopping as we are out of pretty much everything at home!

      Every vendor gives me some sort of trouble which is why I pared it down to just Amazon. Lol. This way I don’t have 5 headaches, just the one. :)

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S. J. Pajonas