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Sunday Update – October 11, 2015

I'm taking a quick break from home improvement to post this update, so it won't be too involved. :) I'm currently stripping wallpaper off the walls of our second bathroom. YES! I hate wallpaper and I'm excited to see it go. But it's a lot of work and I'm exhausted from doing it yesterday and today. Still, this bathroom will be awesome once we're done with it. Can't wait.

This past week was hurried and busy. My littlest went back to school on Monday and everything went well with her cast. I exercised Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday because I knew Thursday and Friday I wouldn't be able to. On Thursday, I took the littlest to see her orthopedist. They took x-rays, and her arm is healing really fast! Yay! So they took off the big bulky cast and put on a new, lighter one that only covers her forearm. She can now flex her elbow, so that's good.

I grocery shopped and spent the day on Friday at Panera working, then we met up with our kitchen designer/contractor to go over designs for our kitchen remodel! Woo! Things are really happening around here.

I worked most of the week on my outline for the first mystery book I'll hopefully start writing soon. The first book of a series is always the hardest. I have to think of the HUGE world I'm building, plan it all out, but then scale back to a tiny piece I'll write about in the first book. It requires a lot of forethought and planning, but once the first book is written the rest come along quicker. I hope to write the first two before releasing the first book. I'd like to have them all ready to go ahead of time. We'll see.

Copy editing of REVEALED continues using my trusted tool, AutoCrit. I love copy editing, especially now that my first drafts are cleaner. I've learned how to write cleaner the first time through rather than five drafts later.

What else happened this week?

Seen today in the lake. An egret? #dailyphoto #365days #ig2015

Saw a beautiful egret in the pond on my walk!

I don't have shelf space for a "vanity shelf" so I decided to put my books on my dresser so I can see them every day. A reminder of what I've done and what more I can do. #amwriting #dailyphoto #365days #ig2015 #bookstagram #booklover #authorsofinstagram

I created a little space on my bureau for my books so I can see them every day, and remember how much I've accomplished. :heart:

More fall leaves today. #autumn #fall #dailyphoto #365days #ig2015

The leaves are changing around here. A sure sign of autumn.

Bye bye wallpaper! I just spent 4 hours taking down wallpaper and only half the room is done. #renovation #dailyphoto #365days #ig2015

And yep, this ugly wallpaper is going away! I can't wait to paint this room a nice jade green.

That's it for today! I think this week I'll talk a little bit more about dictation and I'll post a few vintage NYC stories from my old blog for you to laugh at. See you later!

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1 thought on “Sunday Update – October 11, 2015”

  1. Good luck with removing the wallpaper I have nothing against wallpaper as long as it’s a nice colour, but maybe that’s because my mom helped put on the wallpaper when we moved here. And in our living room we still have the wallpaper from the previous owners, but instead of removing it, we just painted over it. It ended up looking pretty cool as the walls still have the texture of the wallpaper, but a colour we like.
    Jade green sounds like a great colour for a bthroom, I am curious how it will look like when it’s done.

    That’s good to hear things are going well with your youngest and she has a smaller cats now, that’s amazing she’s healing so fast!

    I am so excited for your mystery novel! I really have been in a cozy mystery mood lately and have bene requesting a lot of them from netgalley. Too bad most of them were just okay so far, I am currently reading one that I am really enjoying, so that’s good. Maybe I finally find what works for me in this genre.

    That’s so neat to see all your books in a row. I only have the first two books with the old covers on my shelf. I love seeing the leaves change colour durign autumn. Have a great week!

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S. J. Pajonas