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Celebrating 12 Years of Blogging!

If you look back at the archives of this particular blog, you'll see that it only goes back to 2011, so why would I be celebrating a whole 12 years then? Because before I decided to makeover myself as an author, I was just a regular person with a blog that started in October 2003. I wrote about Harry Potter, movies, New York City, my travels, and eventually I blogged a lot about knitting. For the longest time, my life was centered around my blog, in such a good way. I met people all over the world from Japan to Scotland to Australia, in a time before Facebook, and I'm still friends with a lot of them to this day.

Prince Andre and Chappatsu Nezumi

Prince Andre and Chappatsu Nezumi.

My first blog was a lot of fun and ushered me through a huge life shift. I learned who I was, who my real friends were, and that my passion for writing and creativity knew no bounds. I learned a ton about web design, programming, and a stupid amount of backend knowledge like how databases work or how to navigate around a UNIX server via a shell. I took photos and became an avid photographer. I knit a lot and designed my own knits. I got married, became a mom, and switched jobs, but through it all was the writing, writing on a blog and dreaming up fiction in my head.

I sometimes forget that blogging is part of my writing career which is why I don't think I'll ever give it up. Getting my thoughts down and out, editing them for a public audience, and publishing regularly has helped me be a better fiction writer and self-publisher. I have years of this ingrained into me! No wonder I have a crazy work ethic.

As a little treat, I found this post from October 2, 2003 called Tap Dancing on 42nd Street…

Nope, I'm not about to comment on the musical “42nd street”. I had some downtime about 10 minutes ago, so I decided to walk over to the Duane Reade in Times Square and pick up a prescription and some other goodies. As I was walking along 42nd street between 6th ave and Broadway, I came across a group of people (about 20) staring into a store window on the north side of the street. I then remembered that there was no store there but some sort of performance “art” center that regularly has displays in the window. I was chagrined to see some woman animatedly tap dancing on a platform to some pop song (I think that it was Pink or one of those other woman-of-the-minute-i-like-pop-but-want-to-be-really-aggressive-to-throw-people-off singers). This woman was hauling-ass. Tap dancing her little heart out…

Upon returning from Duane Reade, she was giving tap lessons to other women in the window while 30 people watched them from the street. I wish I had had my camera.. (I've been saying that a lot lately… I think that I need to carry it with me everywhere I go… or get one of those attachments for my phone.. hhmmmmm).

Lol. An attachment for my phone! I think I had a tiny Nokia phone back then.

Me, writing and blogging now in 2015.

Me, writing and blogging now in 2015.

Anyway, not only does this post highlight just how old I am, but also how important I think blogging is. It helps me chronicle my life (like Instagram now does for me too) and keeps my writing chops fresh. There are times when I take breaks because I'm super busy and other times when I'm blogging every day, but I don't think I'll ever give it up. Blogging is a natural part of who I am, and I'm so grateful for it!

Blogging is here to stay. Happy 12th anniversary!

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2 thoughts on “Celebrating 12 Years of Blogging!”

  1. Wow I didn’t realize you have been blogging for so long, that’s impressive! Congrats to your 12 year blogoversary!

    Even though I am only blogging a little under 3 years it’s already become part of my life and at this point I can’t imagine that I’ll ever stop blogging, although I do might change how or about what I blog, if I look back over my previous years on this blog I already see a lot of changes I made over the course of the years.

    I definitely think that blogging gives you a lot of usefull skills and I can imagine as an author, it’s great to already have all those years writing and blogging as experience. And how fun to read that post back form 2012 and to realize that camera’s on phone’s weren’t normal then. And that must’ve been a sight to see all those people tap dancing on the street.

    1. Yeah, so I had a totally other blog before this one, that I actively used from 2003 to 2008/2009. I then archived it and deleted it because the name of the blog was the same as a famous TV show that came along in 2009 and it was annoying always being mixed up with it. Sigh. I then let the original domain name go. I then ran a knitting website that was also a blog for a few years before I archived that as well and started my author blog.

      That post was from 2003! And I found other ones about my time living in NYC so I’m going to repost them on this blog as “Vintage New York” posts in the coming weeks. I think it would be fun to look back at them.

      I’m glad you enjoy your blog too. It’s amazing to watch it grow and mold into something really fun and interesting!

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S. J. Pajonas