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Book Chat #19 – Libbie Hawker, Nancy J. Cohen, and John Scalzi

It's been a few weeks since I posted a Book Chat, so let's talk about what I've been reading.

On my Kindle, I've been reading some non-fiction. I read TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS!:… by Libbie Hawker (weird story but I actually know this author's sister but didn't make the connection until after I looked up her fiction) which is all about story structure and outlining, and it struck many chords with me. I used some of her tips and came up with a stronger outline for my next short story, and then used those tips again for an entirely new outline. I think it'll remain one of the writing books I recommend to others!

I also read a non-fiction book, WRITING THE COZY MYSTERY by Nancy J. Cohen. Yes, I'm thinking about writing mysteries so I thought I could use some studying up. This one was short and thorough. Exactly what I needed to get me started.

I did finish AGENT TO THE STARS by John Scalzi in audiobook format, and I loved it. Once again, Scalzi is becoming a favorite author! This story kept me engaged the entire time and Wil Wheaton was a fantastic narrator. Another “highly recommend.”

Now I'm listening to ARMADA by Ernest Cline. Though this novel speaks to all my geeky scifi ways, it's losing a lot of luster close to the end. I've predicted all the twists and I have a feeling I know the ending too. I was expecting something a little more original from Cline after the amazing READY PLAYER ONE but it's a bit boring. Thank goodness Wil Wheaton is reading it to me! I'm sure he is making it worthwhile. We'll see if I feel the same way at the end.

When last we spoke, I had set aside a book at 55% because I was bored. Because I wanted a sure thing, I decided to re-read my favorite book, THE WIND-UP BIRD CHRONICLE, and I've been engrossed in it ever since. It's a long book (just over 600 pages in paperback) so I'm still reading it, and I'm still enjoying it. I'm glad to know that my favorite book has held up over time and will remain at the top of my list for some time to come.

I'm going to finish Mr. Wind-up Bird and then I'm going to try and get back to something new! We'll see what catches my eye next time I open my Kindle.

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4 thoughts on “Book Chat #19 – Libbie Hawker, Nancy J. Cohen, and John Scalzi”

  1. Sounds like you’ve been doing lots of reading (and listening!). Sorry Armada hasn’t been great for you. I have Ready Player One on my shelf and can’t wait to read it since I’ve seen so many amazing things about it!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I just finished ARMADA and was really disappointed, but I won’t go into details. READY PLAYER ONE was so awesome, so I’m going to hope his next book gets back to that level of writing.

  2. That’s nice you got to re-read one of your favourite books and even better when it’s still as good as you remember. That cozy mystery book sound helpfull. Ready Player One is on my to-read list, I really should get my hands on a copy soon as it sounds really good! I heard great things about it.

    I am currently reading Alicia Kay Vacil her The Marked Ones series, I got the first book for free when subsciribing to her newsletter and just bought the second book and started reading that. I was in the mood for a YA/ NA book with something paranormal and this series fits exactly the type of books I was in the mood for, so that’s good.

    1. I’m still really enjoying this re-read, so I also feel like re-listening to something since ARMADA turned into such a snoozer. I’m now listening to THE MARTIAN again since it was so good the first time and the movie will be out soon. Really excited about it!

      Kat’s books are great! I’m so glad you’re enjoying them!

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S. J. Pajonas