How is it August already? I'm sad the summer is flying by so quickly. It's my favorite time of the year and yet it's so short. Seems a shame for such a happy time to be so fleeting. Today, my youngest woke up and said she didn't feel well, and yes, she has a fever. :( Boo. There's nothing worse than being sick in the summer. So, we're staying in today and taking it easy.
This week, we tried to stay busy everyday, and this included a freak accident on Tuesday. I decided to travel out to my favorite Asian grocery store which is a drive away from here. Along the way, some other driver's car lost its tire and it came bounding across the road and hit my car. Luckily, it did minor damage and I'm fine. But it really shook me up, and I was depressed for two days about it. We'll be looking into getting the car fixed soon. We went to the pool on Tuesday after picking up CSA veggies, Wednesday we were home so my oldest could have her piano lessons, and then Thursday we were also home because of thundershowers. Friday and Saturday, we spent at the pool. The pool is my favorite place in the summer. I love to sit, read, swim a little, knit, or just stare into space and think. I get a lot of brainstorming done there.
Preparation for SUMMER HAIKUS publication continues. There's a Goodreads giveaway going on right now if you'd like to win a paperback copy. I'm looking forward to the giveaway completion so I don't have to go back to Goodreads anymore. Lol. This week I'll have another teaser on Tuesday, reveal the Pinterest board on Wednesday, and celebrate SUMMER HAIKUS launch on Thursday and Friday with posts about Japanese culture. So stay tuned!
I also started on a brand new series project this week. I'm not entirely sure where or what is going on with this new world I'm building. I'm pantsing it until I get a feel for the place and the characters, and then I will probably pause, plot, re-write, and continue on. We'll see! I want to get some of it down before the end of August, write another short story, and get to work on REVEALED. Lots to do.
What else happened this week?
I started my new writing project! I love that fresh Scrivener project and formatting everything to get started.
This fortune reminded me that nothing comes easy in life, and I need to continue working hard on my writing if I'm going to make it somewhere with this career.
The shawl I'm working on is getting bigger! I'm considering knitting this pattern again in the near future. It's so easy and I have it memorized.
I got my hair cut yesterday. My hair stylist is always surprised at how fast my hair grows. This is why I never shy away from crazy styles!
And there were lots of other fun things that happened this week, but you can check out the images on Instagram.
Have a great week everyone!
I am actually happy summer is almost over, I prefer spring and autumn. Summer is always so warm and sweaty and I don’t like being warm.
I hope your youngest is feeling better soon!
I am sorry to hear about that accident, that must have been so scary to see that tire coming your way and hit your car!
When we were little we spend lots of time at the pool, I enjoyed swimming a bit and then sittign on the shore with a book or puzzle book. My sister always tried to convince to swim more, she has too much energy. I have fond memories of the pool, but nowadays I don’t go swimming too often.
That’s so exciting you started a new project, which book is this? or can’t you tell yet? I remember you mentioning a new sci-fi series and the next book in your contemporary romance series. From the way you worded things in your post I am guessing it’s the sci-fi one.
And that fortune cookie sure knows what it’s talking about. Succes requires a lot of hard work. That shawl is looking nice already, how much colours will it have in the end?
I hope you have a great week!
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