I've been doing a lot of reading lately, mostly because I'm between big projects, and I have the time and plenty of books on my Kindle to get through!
So, let's talk about what I've been reading! First up is WALLED by Anne Tibbets.
This is the follow-up book to CARRIER, the first book in The Line Duology. I really enjoyed both books in this series! It was a unique dystopian world, pretty bleak and harsh, but with a great sense of hope. I liked how the second book of the series answered a lot of questions, wrapped up the main storylines, and still left a few unanswered questions to think about. It has a satisfying happily ever after ending and I closed the book at the end with a smile on my face. I recommend this series to anyone who loves a good dystopian!
I also JUST finished another audiobook! I listened to FUZZY NATION by John Scalzi and absolutely loved it. Mr. Scalzi is fast becoming one of my favorite scifi authors for his books and his personality as well (AND he just announced a $3.4m deal with Tor Books for 13 more novels over the next ten years! How AWESOME!) FUZZY NATION was a great mix of science fiction world building, wit and humor, and court room drama. Plus, he twisted the knife in my chest during one of the penultimate scenes. I actually cried. I love books about humanizing alien life and this one really did well. Wil Wheaton narrated this for the Audible version and his voice work was truly fantastic. This is another audiobook by this duo that I highly recommend. I need to see if there are others I can download!
What's next? I've got Hugh Howey‘s latest short story and then possibly I'll move onto SHIFT by him as well. It's been a while since I read WOOL so I hope I remember enough to jump right in! As for audiobooks, I have BLADE RUNNER (aka DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? by PKD) queued up and ready to go! I guess I'm heading into an all scifi phase. Should be fun!