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RECLAIMED Inspiration on Pinterest

Today, I unveil the Pinterest board for RECLAIMED! While writing this book I often jumped on Pinterest to get inspiration for different themes in the book. I had a lot of fun deciding on what Japanese items and traditions to include in this book and what little bits of pop culture I could throw in too. There are some hints in this board about inside jokes in the book. Funny enough, no one has pointed out the jokes yet! We'll see who mentions them in future reviews or comments.

Anyway, here it is. Browse and enjoy!


To celebrate the imminent release of RECLAIMED, all of the Nogiku Series is ON SALE!


REMOVED is free!
RELEASED is 99¢!
REUNITED is $2.99 ($2 off)!
And of course…
RECLAIMED is $2.99 ($2 off)! (Pre-order now and get it on May 28!)

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2 thoughts on “RECLAIMED Inspiration on Pinterest”

  1. Just stopped by the pinterest board and it looks great, I love all those archery pictures. I got the monthy python references in the book, but didn’t like them enough to mention in my review. I like how with pinterest boards you can really get a feel for the book or how the settings look like. And those owl pictures are too cute!

    1. I love the photo of all the baby owls. Sigh. They are adorable.

      Well, I’m glad someone got the references! No one’s mentioned them yet so I figured I may have been too subtle.

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S. J. Pajonas