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Book Chat #14 – Sarina Bowen

Wow, another Book Chat so close to the last one! Well, the weekend did include Mother's Day, and since we canceled our outings to stay home because my eldest daughter was sick, I spent the day reading.

I'm happy to report that I finished THE YEAR WE FELL DOWN by Sarina Bowen, and sigh. I just loved it. I loved the college setting, and the heroine, Corey. Sarina took a bold step in making her heroine disabled, and it was a sure step indeed. I was intrigued with Corey's own feelings on her condition, those around her, and how she would get by at a college that wasn't always wheelchair-accessible. The romance with Hartley felt very real to me. I remember my own college romances VERY well, how awkward the guys were, and how friendships could easily turn lustful and back again so easily. How guys can sometimes barely say they're sorry but show it instead. I liked that about THE YEAR WE FELL DOWN. It was real. It was powerful. I don't always need to hear the words “I'm sorry” especially if I can see it in everything the person does.

Anyway, Sarina is a friend of mine which is why I read the book in the first place, because I KNEW IT WOULD BE GOOD before I even picked it up. Lol. After hitting a few bumps in the road of bad books by people I don't know, I'm going to be falling back on writers I trust for a while.

Go pick up THE YEAR WE FELL DOWN right now. It's free. You will not be disappointed.

In the audiobook world, I started listening to FUZZY NATION by John Scalzi, and as I predicted I am enjoying it immensely. I've become a huge fan of his over the past year, both as an author and as a person of interest. I read his blog regularly as well, and have come to enjoy his take on many current issues and trends. I read OLD MAN'S WAR ages ago and enjoyed that but never read the rest of the series. I'm happy to be enjoying more of his work now in audiobook format.

I think I may spend my next Audible credit on THE ANDROID'S DREAM since I just spent my latest credit on DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? by Philip K. Dick (It's titled as BLADE RUNNER on Audible).

I've never read it but I'm a big fan of BLADE RUNNER and BLADE RUNNER is a big inspiration for my next scifi romance series (Wow, I just gave something away about my next project! Did you see that?)

Anyway, it's time for me to get back to proofreading RECLAIMED! Later!

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4 thoughts on “Book Chat #14 – Sarina Bowen”

  1. I just grabbed The Year We Fell Down for free! I saw in today’s bookbub e-mail and it has been on my to-read list for a while now. It sounds like a great series and I am happy to hear you enjoyed it, makes me even more excited to read it. I am always looking for great contemporary romance series that feel real, so this sounds like a series I would enjoy.

    I just finished These Broken Stars yesterday evening, I enjoyed it and it was well written. Although I wasn’t a fan of one of the plot twists later in the book and I hope for more world building in the next book. As I feel like the authors put a lot of effort into their world, but we don’t really hear a lot about the world in this book. I really liked how the characters developed and changed over the course of the book.

    1. I really enjoyed TYWFD so I hope you do too. It reminded me a lot of my college so I felt it was very realistic.

      That twist in THESE BROKEN STARS nearly did me in. It was tough to read, but ultimately it had me hooked and that’s when I knew I had a great story in my hands. The next book is a different world and different characters but same kind of corporate monster and creatures from beyond… and you get to see the characters from THESE BROKWN STARS a little too.

      Yay for good books!

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S. J. Pajonas