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REVEALED To Become A Novella

I haven't written a blog post for a Saturday in a long time! But I ran out of time this week, and I only like to post once per day now :) So now that the Nogiku Series is coming to a close, I thought about what I wanted to do with REVEALED. Right now, Parts 1, 2, and 3 are all available online for free. They are collectively the first 14 chapters of a novel I had planned as an extra to the Nogiku Series quartet of books. I wrote it during NaNoWriMo of 2012 and got 65k done during that time! But it wasn't complete, so I thought they may be a good free entry point into the series.

Now that REVEALED has been out for some time, and I gathered data from clicks readers made from the back of the ebooks, I decided they are NOT a good entry point to the series. The obvious entry point is Book 1 (REMOVED), and the people who love the series go on to read the short stories. REVEALED is really only for those that are already reading in this world.


So I've made a decision. REVEALED Parts 1, 2, and 3 are coming down from all the vendors on APRIL 15th (or thereabouts since this kind of thing isn't exact). I will be taking these, adding additional content and more chapters, and will release it as a supplemental novella later on in 2015, maybe November.

For those that have read the short stories, I plan on the first 14 chapters of the novella being the same as the short stories, so you'll be able to skip ahead easily.

Thanks for your understanding in this. I don't like the idea of pulling something off the market, but I feel like the novella format will better suit this story and since the short stories were free to begin with, this is not a huge change to make.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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8 thoughts on “REVEALED To Become A Novella”

  1. I think that short stories like these are a great addition to the series, but like you mentioned I think Removed is a better starting point. It’s nice to get Jiro his point of view as well, but I think reading Removed first is better. The short stories are more for those who are already fans of the series. Looking forward to read the whole novella once you re-publish it!

  2. I have to confess that I haven’t picked up the novellas yet. I’m one of those people that doesn’t often sign up for the bonus materials – but I think I will check these out once their in novella form!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. REVEALED is fun because it’s the events as seen from Jiro and Sakai’s POV, so you get another take on how things happened in REMOVED. I enjoyed writing from the alternate POVs. A lot of fun!

  3. Tragic! I have just finished Removed, Released and Reunited and was looking forward to downloading Revealed for my vacation this week and I’m too late! I will have to be patient for Reclaimed and whenever the Revealed novella is out. Patience isn’t my strong suit.

    S.J. (Funny, another favorite author is SJ Rozan), thanks for these books and keep writing! I have a friend who’s a NanoWriMo liason/organizer for her state so I love supporting writers that I love who are getting started.

      1. Whoo hoo! You are the best! Although I think they may be hard to load on my Kindle. Don’t know that there is wifi where I’m headed. I will look forward to reading at home, AND to the novella..when you put it all together..

  4. Pingback: Writing Update – August 26, 2015 – S. J. Pajonas

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S. J. Pajonas