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Sunday Update – February 1, 2015

While I was typing the title for the this post, I typed January. WHERE DID JANUARY GO? In all truth, I'm glad January is over. Why is it that my birth month never goes well? And it's soooooooo long. 31 days right at the beginning of the year. My husband has this New Yorker cartoon hanging up at work because it's so darn true! I think I'll buy and put it up in my office when I finally get an office.

Anyway, here we are in February, which is the shortest month of the year, but in the Northeast, it is also the most brutal weather-wise. I expect below freezing temperatures, bitter wind chills, and lots of snow. When March comes, I'm usually pretty desperate for warm weather.

The good news is that we have a vacation coming up in two weeks! But I'll talk more about that later.

This week…

Weather Channel ridiculosity. BUT happy someone knew to use "a historic" instead of "an historic" blizzard. Props!

We had a “historic” blizzard roll through, that turned into a pretty big flop, as I predicted.

Blizzard breakfast! #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days

Still, we feasted on blizzard waffles anyway!

Drying by the fire.

The kids played in the snow.

Just took a timed 8min shower. Want to be #productive? See my blog post at #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days

I posted about how I stay productive. If you missed this post, go back and check it out. People on Facebook loved it.

Done! THE END on the WIP. Came in just over 80k words. #amwriting  #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days

AND THEN!! I finished my WIP! The first draft of the Tokyo Run book is complete! It even has a real title now and I've chosen an image for its cover. I'm going to work hard to get to everyone by Fall, so as soon as I have a blurb and cover I'll let you all know.

Sunday Word Count Check-in!

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Goal achieved! Last week's goal was to finish my WIP and come in around 80k. Perfect on both fronts. And I already know what I need to do in revisions to make this book really strong. I hope to get to those revisions in March.

Expected Word Count (Jan 31): 46,500
Total Word Count (Jan 31): 50,919

This is great! Exactly the kind of numbers I was hoping for. I'm glad I stayed strong in January and really kicked but on my word count goals. I know I'm not going to be able to hang on to this productivity through February, though. Now that my WIP is complete, I have to work on Book 4 revisions and I only write a few new words per day into it, unless I need to add a whole scene. As soon as revisions are done, I'll be plotting out a few short stories and then I'm going to get going on writing those. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up on my word count goals later in February.

Goal this week: Make significant progress on editing Book 4 of the Nogiku Series.

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6 thoughts on “Sunday Update – February 1, 2015”

  1. I am so excited you finished Tokyo run and I can’t wait to see the cover and real title. Fall seems so far away :(, but at least you’ll be publishing Nogiku 4 this year as well.

    We had one day snow this week, but it was gone the next day. It hasn’t been really cold here, although the wind can be nasty some days.

    And now I want waffles, they look yummy! Luckily I am going to bake cookies now, so that will have to do.

    1. I think I’m also going to put the entirety of Revealed up for sale this year too. I’ve been thinking about what I want to do with it, and now I have a good idea. Plus I’ll have short stories as well. Just gotta write them!

      We have lots of snow on the ground AND we’re expecting another storm tonight. I expect school to be closed tomorrow!

  2. I just started Removed last night. I had a ridiculously busy weekend and decided I needed to start a book I really wanted to read. Yours was the first to catch my eye!. Since I was exhausted, I didn’t get very far, but I’m loving the setting so far! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Eep! I’m a little scared now. Lol. But I get that way when anyone reads my work :) I was soooooo tired last night. I was in bed before 10pm and dead asleep before my husband even got into bed. This weekend was exhausting.

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S. J. Pajonas