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Sunday Update – January 25, 2015

This was an interesting week in my household. My husband had the stomach flu or some kind of GI infection last weekend (my birthday weekend, which I wrote about in the last Sunday update) and it knocked him out for an entire week. He was home sick, and I'm not used to doing my everyday routine with him home. It was good to have someone to talk to during the day and not be waiting for him to come home every night. It made me wish we could do home days more often. But, alas, he has an office to go to and will return there tomorrow… right before we're expecting a blizzard! Lol. Why do I feel like he'll be home on Tuesday? :)

We did a lot this past week…

My birthday present! An iPad Mini with a data plan. Sweet. So excited to use it to write on the go.

I got an iPad mini for my birthday and it has a data plan! I'm so excited to have use of an iPad while out and about, not just on wifi. I used it to write this past week, and even got it a new skin and keyboard.

Got my @nuvango skin for the iPad mini! The fox and the forest.

I love this foxy skin! So adorable. :heart:

Morning fire. #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days

We had some beautiful sunrises.

Working hard with @aammyyss_ at Panera! #amwriting #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days

And I had a writing date with my friend and fellow author, Amy Evans. We chatted about work, writing, and then got to doing both with our headphones on :)

Sunday Word Count Check-in!

Expected Word Count (Jan 24): 36,000
Total Word Count (Jan 24): 41,151

People! I'm almost finished with the contemporary romance I started writing on December 7th! I'm so proud of myself for sticking with this story even with my initial reservations. I love this book, and I think that once I get some feedback, it'll be really strong and wonderful once I revise. I've outlined the last four chapters and I hope to be finished this week before the end of January. Then I'll be concentrating on finishing Nogiku Book 4 revisions and plotting/writing a few short stories. I'm excited!

Goal this week: finish the Tokyo Run book. It should come in around 80k.

Posts You May Have Missed This Week

8 Japanese Authors For Beginners – If you're looking to read outside your comfort zone, you should check out these amazing authors.

Facebook Interest Lists – I made a video on how to start your own Facebook Interest List and use it to show Facebook what you like.

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9 thoughts on “Sunday Update – January 25, 2015”

  1. Oh that ipad mini skin looks adorable with the fox! That sunrise is beautifull indeed. We live on the third floor in an appartment building and can see some nice sunsets from here. I am hardly ever awake to see the sunrise, perks of working at home ;).
    I am so excited Tokyo Run is almost finished!

  2. Woo hoo for being ahead of where you were hoping to be on your word count!! Sorry your husband was sick, but it’s nice that you got to see him a bit more. Too bad it’s now time to go back to the grind. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Aha! I figured out how to whitelist you so you don’t go to moderation anymore :) Actually, we are now NOT back to the grind because we’re being snowed in by a blizzard. Lol. Gotta love (not) winter.

      1. Ah! Actually, my husband was supposed to be heading out to Boston this week, but they cancelled the trip (for obvious reasons). I was happy for the weather out there because that meant I got to keep my hubby here! :-)

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    S. J. Pajonas